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[deleted] t1_j27kwgl wrote


sjfiuauqadfj t1_j27uk9g wrote

i mean, i hate to sound like a defeatist but china gave up on their zero covid policy because there are limits to what a totalitarian government can do. what covid protocols do you expect from a democratic government where a solid 35% of people will flaunt the bare minimum? if youre vaxxed you have an extremely low chance of death, and thats good enough for most people


enjoytheshow t1_j28ez1m wrote

I’ve gotten like 5 shots at this point and I caught it. I don’t know what else i am supposed to do so I just live my life. Reddit is stuck in this fairy tale land where we can shut the world down with no consequences.


Moasseman t1_j28qc1n wrote

Vaccines aren't there to completely stop you from catching it, they're there to drastically reduce the odds of you dying if you do catch it


Findinganewnormal t1_j29f03e wrote

There’s still a whole lot of space between shutting down and living like it’s 2019. If people would just wear a damn mask if feeling under the weather that would be amazing. Half my office got covid the week before Christmas because people would come in and hack up a lung for 9 hours at their desk and then mysteriously the people around them would start coughing into the air the next day.

With that, can we incentivize work from home for the industries that can do that? It’ll reduce spread in offices and even in schools if we let parents who can WFH stay home with sick kids rather than send them in to school. And while it feels unfair to those who can’t WFH, it’s still a net benefit since their kids will get exposed to fewer germs.

Also, and I know I’m dreaming here, requiring retail and restaurants to have paid sick leave rather than forcing their workers to come in sick.

That’s just the start, along with longer-term stuff like better air filtration in public spaces, better preventative health, alternatives for parents with sick kids, and more. But honestly if we could just normalize masking when not feeling great, that would have a huge impact on transmission.


Bifferer t1_j28rsta wrote

…but you survived. Many in China don’t trust the government because of past BS so they don’t trust Chinese vaccines. Add to that the preference for herbal remedies, particularly among the elderly, and you have all the ingredients for a perfect tragedy. Compound that with far less ICU beds on a per capita basis.


Crowjayne t1_j29eyen wrote

This is silly. I understand being exhausted by the reality but there's plenty you can still do. Are COVID numbers rising in your area? Maybe don't go to indoor restaurants for a bit or other crowded indoor places. Wear a mask when indoors. Etc. We can continue to make adjustments to make reinvention and spread less likely but people just don't want to.


mmmegan6 t1_j2986o9 wrote

Three THOUSAND people are dying to Covid in the US every week. You missed a zero.


WirelessBCupSupport t1_j294vcp wrote

What is more important is that over 70% got one shot and that almost 70% are fully vax. The thing that is not talked about is only 33% are fully boosted and THAT needs to be over 70% to be endemic.

Vaccination will help prevent spread or minimize the effect of the SARS. But immune systems will handle what it can.