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throwawayfarway2017 t1_j1zcga7 wrote

This new pissed me off esp more today when a close friend’s sister was killed by a reckless driver after she got out of her car to check cause she had a fender bender with another lady. These people did nothing wrong. My friend’s sister, the 6 innocent victims in this, they were just going about their days and they’re gone, leaving so many heartbroken family members behind to no fault of their own. Why do these asshole always get out alive?? Wtf


Redditfront2back t1_j20a15e wrote

People that needlessly drive reckless and/or over fast are scum of the earth. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been cut off just for some idiot to then discover that traffic was blocking me from going any faster. Risking both our lives just to get one car length closer to the destination. They should have a test to screen out sociopaths from getting a license.


Horror-Perspective28 t1_j21v5c3 wrote

I knew a guy in college who frequently drove drunk at over 100 mph. Eventually he and his asshole buddies got in a crash but all of them were fine. This guy was literally the most psychotic person I've ever met and people treated him like a god. Life's not fair at all.