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NiteTiger t1_j1xq02j wrote

151 mph and no sign of braking, posted videos of reckless driving... Good lord!

And no drugs or alcohol, just pure insanity


throwawayfarway2017 t1_j1zcga7 wrote

This new pissed me off esp more today when a close friend’s sister was killed by a reckless driver after she got out of her car to check cause she had a fender bender with another lady. These people did nothing wrong. My friend’s sister, the 6 innocent victims in this, they were just going about their days and they’re gone, leaving so many heartbroken family members behind to no fault of their own. Why do these asshole always get out alive?? Wtf


Redditfront2back t1_j20a15e wrote

People that needlessly drive reckless and/or over fast are scum of the earth. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been cut off just for some idiot to then discover that traffic was blocking me from going any faster. Risking both our lives just to get one car length closer to the destination. They should have a test to screen out sociopaths from getting a license.


Horror-Perspective28 t1_j21v5c3 wrote

I knew a guy in college who frequently drove drunk at over 100 mph. Eventually he and his asshole buddies got in a crash but all of them were fine. This guy was literally the most psychotic person I've ever met and people treated him like a god. Life's not fair at all.


Roman_____Holiday t1_j1zvkuy wrote

Uhh, there was the clear mention of “NOAH GALLE was a minor and his parents were involved in the purchase of the Subject Vehicle knowing his long history of psychiatric care, psychiatric medication use, and/or his “unusual medical condition,” which may have contributed to the accident.” Psychiatric medication is drugs. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.


NiteTiger t1_j1zw92s wrote

No recreational drugs is what the article I was referencing intimated, sorry that was unclear.


Dullstar t1_j20m1o1 wrote

Many psychiatric prescription drugs don't come with restrictions on driving beyond the standard "hey wait until you know how this affects you" so you don't sue them if you have side effects that cause an accident. Which makes sense, because they're often prescribed to help improve functioning rather than impair it. The exact specifics of course would depend on which one and what it's supposed to treat, but the reason that, for example, alcohol + driving is a no-no is because it impairs cognitive functioning, which isn't going to be the case for e.g. many antidepressants.

I say this not to defend the driver because there's no excuse for that level of speed (I've seen disagreement as to if it's 120 or 151 mph but both are definitely well into reckless driving territory outside of a racetrack), but because many people take psychiatric medications and are totally safe to drive.

They're technically drugs but often when people are talking about drugs they mean recreational drugs and/or prescription drug abuse rather than taking medication as directed.


Roman_____Holiday t1_j20n6k9 wrote

The terms are vague and often used interchangeably by the layman. Recreational is taken for enjoyment. Medication is taken to treat a condition. Many people also self-medicate with so-called recreational drugs. The lines are blurry at best and this makes the entire debate discussion that much more difficult.


Dullstar t1_j20ptld wrote

I'd think self medicating is a bit more risky just because it's much less regulated and the user may not have a good understanding of the potential risks. Sometimes a drug someone's self-medicating with can feel good -- otherwise people wouldn't use them recreationally after all -- even if it's not really helping to properly manage the condition.


Roman_____Holiday t1_j20zx7x wrote

My point is more that ethically they are different situations and that our language on the subject makes the delineation more difficult than it should be. We sort according to the legality under the law by default. That system of sorting leaves a lot of important nuance on the cutting room floor.


Thoth74 t1_j206vnv wrote

>Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.

Probably drugs.


Madhavaz t1_j1xgl1c wrote

I cannot believe this kid still hasn't gone to trial. His parents should just prepare themselves to pay millions of dollars. Buying a 17-year old a BMW M5 is gross negligence.


fullload93 t1_j1y4e91 wrote

It occurred late January 2022. Not even a year yet. Not at all surprised it is taking a long time for trial. In many cases it might take years before trial occurs.


similar_observation t1_j1yb4mr wrote

His dad is an attorney. His current attorney is in employment to his dad's firm.


Miffers t1_j1zpzch wrote

Talked with a lawyer and the firm charges $400-$600/hr and he gets $100/hr but the truth is he works so many hours that is not accounted for so it really is $30/hr at the end of the day.


wrath_of_grunge t1_j1y3v7f wrote

yes, but even a 90's Honda Accord could've got up to 120mph.

it's a bit silly what wealthy people will splash out for their kids, but if you change the kind of car he was in, the outcome would've been about the same.


NomadFire t1_j1ycrsx wrote

> it's a bit silly what wealthy people

Hulk Hogan's son crashed a Supra when he was about 17. Causing both him and his friend to be air lifted to the hospital. His friend will live the rest of his life in a nursing home because of it.


My_G_Alt t1_j2029fa wrote

That kid is a colossal piece of shit.


Tehni t1_j1ylx84 wrote

And hundreds of non celebrity kids die doing the same thing. Unless you have a statistic that says kids with expensive cars are more likely to cause deadly crashes, your comment is kinda useless


NomadFire t1_j1yn13v wrote

> Unless you have a statistic that says kids with expensive cars are more likely to cause deadly crashes,

Where do I make this claim? The crash I mentioned wasn't even deadly.


TheShishkabob t1_j1z0bsy wrote

The person that started this comment chain said that buying a BMW for a 17 year old was "gross negligence". Don't just ignore the context of a comment before you chip in yourself.


shabby47 t1_j1z4dog wrote

To be fair he said buying the kid a BMW M5 is gross negligence. Would this have happened in a base model 3 series? Who knows? But putting such a powerful machine in the hands of a crazy teenager can lead to potentially worse outcomes.


TheShishkabob t1_j1z8b1c wrote

How the fuck is buying any specific car "gross negligence" here? Would you have races down the street without a care if you had a more expensive vehicle as a teenager? I only ask because I sure as fuck wouldn't have.


phantaxtic t1_j1z8th8 wrote

Because the M5 is an extremely powerful vehicle. It accelerates very quickly and can hit top speeds easily. The point is that giving a kid with no driving experience a race car is negligent


reflUX_cAtalyst t1_j1z6lc2 wrote

What is the point you're trying to make then...??


NomadFire t1_j1zer4l wrote

It was as simple as the guy I replied to said this.

> it's a bit silly what wealthy people

I was reminded of Hulk Hogan's son. So I decided to remind everyone. That was it wasn't any deeper than that. Didn't realize it would come off as me making an argument for or against anything. Just thought I would have got a lot of replies saying things like " I forgot all about that" and "that reminds me of this happening".


trashscal408 t1_j1zalvr wrote

Many countries have displacement restrictions for drivers licenses based on the age of the driver (particularly for motorcycles). It is an acknowledgement of the inexperience of young drivers in situations which require reflexive, tempered corrective actions. The physics of restricting engine power for young drivers is inarguably beneficial to all drivers.


Misery_101 t1_j1y8ssp wrote

His car was going 151Mph, the Nissan was going 39Mph There is actually a magnitude of difference from 120 to 150 in terms of energy needed.

30Mph slower, and there would have been a better chance for survival if they didn't roll.

Edit: changed horsepower to energy.


rounder55 t1_j1zp68r wrote

Driving like this needs to be treated more so as if you are driving a weapon. Even if you don't his anyone going 150 there should be some sort of weapons or attempted "insert crime" charge. It's every bit as dangerous as firing a gun into a random house


wrath_of_grunge t1_j1yagfu wrote

>Police say Noah Galle, 17 at the time, was speeding at 120 miles per hour in a BMW

did they say somewhere else he was going 151mph?


Misery_101 t1_j1yas3t wrote

Yes but it looks like it was in the ealier stories, I wonder why this one is trying to say it was only 120MPH. (Maybe they meant it was a 120MPH crash)

Here is an earlier story


[deleted] t1_j1yd0fo wrote



wrath_of_grunge t1_j1ykoxh wrote

and my comment about being in a Honda going 120, was related to the story the OP posted.

>Police say Noah Galle, 17 at the time, was speeding at 120 miles per hour in a BMW


Virtchoo t1_j1yy4ij wrote

Honestly, it’s not so much about horsepower as much as the gear ratios in the transmission and what the governor is set at in the vehicle. The Honda civic SI has a governor set at 147, and a whopping 205hp engine. Sure 500 could get there a bit faster, but the civic could still do it.

This all being said, there’s really no reason anybody should really need to travel at anywhere near 120 anyway. 147 and 151? Insanity. These are speeds that you need full protective gear and a car with roll cages. Not a stock car with a convertible top.


NotUniqueOrSpecial t1_j1z2x3a wrote

> There is actually a magnitude of difference

You do not need 10x the horsepower to go an extra 30 MPH.


bigflamingtaco t1_j1yzjl2 wrote

>There is actually a magnitude of difference from 120 to 150 in terms of horsepower needed.

An order of magnitude is not the difference here. My 250hp SHO did 144 mph runs. An order of magnitude would be a 2000hp car Vs a factory equipped Honda, not a car that can do 150mph Vs one topping out at 120, or even 100.


Misery_101 t1_j1z2x1r wrote

The energy required is not linear. From 50 to 100 is not double the energy, so maybe horsepower alone isn't the correct term. On the flip side of that, it means the crash is far stronger than you would expect. Honestly I'm surprised the kid lived

What is a SHO? All I am seeing is a boat.


finalremix t1_j1z4oyn wrote

It's a Ford Taurus SHO, most likely. "Super High Output". It's a Taurus with 300+ HP, for some reason.


GaleTheThird t1_j1za55r wrote

> It's a Taurus with 300+ HP, for some reason.

People like powerful cars and Ford already had the TT V6


Thaaaaaaa t1_j1z9uoc wrote

Why the fuck would someone want that in a Taurus? Dragrace to waffle house after church?


atonementfish t1_j20ag8q wrote

Sleeper, plus it was more airdynamic than anything they had at the time. Honestly it was pretty sick. The Buick regal GS turbo is a similar vehicle people seem to enjoy, I guess old guy wanted a fast car his wife wanted something to go-to church in.


Thaaaaaaa t1_j20ossm wrote

TIL they still made a Regal line. I guess I didn't know much about the Taurus, my only experience with it was getting chewed out for smoking in my best friend's dad's Taurus a million years ago, always saw it as a sensible family car/to work and back-er. That SHO looks pretty badass honestly. And apparently my state police had some Taurus cruisers. Who knew.


urkish t1_j1z4hp2 wrote


So, 120 to 150 would be less than a 2x difference (144 vs 225).


Misery_101 t1_j1z50cu wrote

That doesn't account for drag and friction. I'll admit the literal "order of magnitude" is hyperbole, but it's over 2x energy to go the 30mph more in this case.

The acceleration is greater as well on a crash


Fermats_Last_Account t1_j1yzmgw wrote

Trust me. Nobody feels cool accelerating or racing in an Accord. Lmao

It’s the reason why you don’t suddenly seen Handas racing as many times as Mustangs or Camaros.

Having a BMW will automatically turn you into a douchebag.


BigPretender t1_j1z4d2l wrote

>BMW will automatically turn you into a douchebag.

It's like the old joke. What's the difference between a porcupine and a BMW? The porcupine has the pricks on the outside.


Miffers t1_j1zqge1 wrote

I had a BMW once and I felt like a douchebag. It’s amazing.


GaleTheThird t1_j1zac8x wrote

>Trust me. Nobody feels cool accelerating or racing in an Accord. Lmao

There's plenty of Honda fans out there who like racing their Accords


atonementfish t1_j20au52 wrote

Some are turbo charged it's just fancier type r.


similar_observation t1_j217ru2 wrote

CTR seems to have been turned into a luxury model. The 2.0T accord is just a cheaper version.

OTOH, when we talk Integras, they've always been upscaled civics.


similar_observation t1_j217l39 wrote

Honda attracts that weird culture. I don't know any other Japanese car brand that has a quirky mod-enthusiast fan base trying to squeeze 1 HP out of economy cars like squeezing the last bit of toothpaste from a tube. The quirkyness gets less and less goofy as the value of the car goes up.


Dubalicious t1_j20b8f7 wrote

16 year old me definitely felt cool racing my 4-door Honda accord but… somehow that probably supports your claim more than it disproves it 😆


HazelNightengale t1_j1zmjwy wrote

Kinetic energy is quadratic with respect to speed. And a BMW M5 has more mass. The impact of the two is very different- the BMW hitting with almost twice as much kinetic energy at 150 than an Accord at 120. If you actually were able to get the Accord to go that fast, that is.

Would it have made a difference to the people he crashed into? Don't know. But an idiot in an Accord and a jackass in an M5 are nowhere close to each other in terms of force. On a busier road the M5 might have caused more pileup.


thatsbs t1_j20azzd wrote

Energy = mass * velocity^2

Velocity is clearly the most important variable. Speed literally kills. This is why head on collisions are so deadly (you add the velocity of both vehicles), why flecks of paint in space striking the space station leaves significant damage.


My_G_Alt t1_j202h23 wrote

Look at the time it takes to get to that speed as well as the weight of a 90s accord and a new M5…


Aldervale t1_j1y4qie wrote

Eh, I'd be perfectly fine with imprisoning wealthy people who splash out for their kids. It's just one of those behaviors, like kicking a puppy, that screams "I'm a garbage person and society as a whole would be better off without me!".


wrath_of_grunge t1_j1y5h17 wrote

i'm not sure about other states, but in my state there is a financial responsibility law. until a person is 21, their parents are responsible for any accidents they get into.


Mentally_Displaced t1_j1yc35w wrote

What state is that?


gophergun t1_j1yd8qk wrote

The only state with any degree of parental responsibility at 21 is Mississippi, and that's only for vandalism.


Mentally_Displaced t1_j1yfc2v wrote

I just don’t see how that could hold up in court, being responsible for another legal adult without any power of attorney, etc in place. But whatever, Mississippi, you do you.


enderxzebulun t1_j1yvva5 wrote

>I just don’t see how that could hold up in court, being responsible for another legal adult without any power of attorney, etc in place. But whatever, Mississippi, you do you.

Why wouldn't it hold up in court? It's a law.

Power of attorney doesn't make someone culpable for another's actions.


Mentally_Displaced t1_j1z6wsi wrote

I’m not a lawyer. Power of attorney probably isn’t the correct thing here. I just don’t understand the rationale or legal basis of a law that says one or more adults are responsible for the actions of another adult until the third adult reaches some arbitrary milestone.


Dubalicious t1_j20d8hs wrote

A person is not legally an adult in Mississippi until the age of 21.

And idk how that’s any different/less arbitrary than the number being 18.


My_G_Alt t1_j202o2c wrote

Not only buying it for a 17 year old, but one with severe psychiatric issues…


Secretofthecheese t1_j20619v wrote

Not only that but he was certifiably insane so it’s like buy Adam lanza a flamethrower


Lou_C_Fer t1_j1yjlz4 wrote

What does the car have to do with it? I mean, it's safety rating must have been through the roof, and as a parent, safety rating would be my top oriority.


racksy t1_j1yplra wrote

different types of cars cause certain kinds of people to drive like dipshits.

this is why sports cars are more expensive for insurance—there is research upon research upon research which shows plain as day that teenagers and sport cars are in waaaay more accidents than teenagers in a regular car.


GaleTheThird t1_j1zaj9j wrote

>this is why sports cars are more expensive for insurance

Funnily enough, unless it's a Corvette. So many older folks buy them to drive them to the golf course and back once per week that it keeps the rates down.


srcorvettez06 t1_j1z58me wrote

A parent with safety in mind gets their kid a slow Volvo, not a 600 horsepower super sedan.


Fermats_Last_Account t1_j1yzsdp wrote

Because nobody feels cool racing in a Honda.


Hellish_Elf t1_j1z7y4y wrote

You’re not a car person.


GaleTheThird t1_j1zap5z wrote

I'm as far as you can get from a Honda fan but claiming no one likes racing them is a laughable statement to make


Fermats_Last_Account t1_j20sjvb wrote

I didn’t say nobody likes racing them. Nobody feels cool in them cause they’re cheap ugly cars.


Fermats_Last_Account t1_j20see3 wrote

There’s a reason why when news articles like this come out, it was a “fancy” car racing. Not a Honda killing several people.

I definitely drive my Mustang wayyyyy different than I drove my Versa or Fusion.

No Camaro ever pulled up next to me and challenge me in a race in my Versa or Fusion.


Hellish_Elf t1_j20t2fs wrote

Never heard of the Honda Versa or Fusion. Weird.


Fermats_Last_Account t1_j21tt6i wrote

Point is those slow family cars aren’t interesting to race with.


Hellish_Elf t1_j21w3ll wrote

Lol yes they are. Are you a drag race fan? That would explain the lack of fun you’re having.


Fermats_Last_Account t1_j21yv4s wrote

How often do they do it in public roads when it’s busy? Hardly. I don’t think I’ve ever seen 2 Hondas race in front of me. But with my Mustang, I’ve had Camaros and other fast cars try to race me. Never a Honda.


CollectionDry382 t1_j1xwsrs wrote

2019 BMW at 151 mph struck the back of a 2018 Nissan Rogue that was traveling 38 mph, crushing the back into the passenger compartment and causing it to roll multiple times until it rested upside down.


notahopeleft t1_j20802c wrote

Where did you get 151? The article says 120


XXIII_FIN t1_j215es1 wrote

Oh only 120 well thats fine


notahopeleft t1_j22et7y wrote

I am not sure why I always run into pedantic people. I wasn’t excusing the speed be it 120 or 151. I just wanted to know where he saw it.


CollectionDry382 t1_j22vt7t wrote

"Galle told an investigator after the crash while en route to the hospital he was going “above 120.”

However, officials conducted search warrants for the airbag control modules of both vehicles and found Galle was driving at 151 mph at impact, while the other car was driving at 38 mph. "



Timbofieseler102 t1_j23y9i1 wrote

Were you not the person who was just being pedantic by saying it was actually 120? You probably run into pedantic people so often because you own a mirror


ExtonGuy t1_j1xhc73 wrote

At least he's still incarcerated pending trial? Wonder what the bail is? EDIT: bail set at $500,000. He was under house arrest in September.


damnthistrafficjam t1_j1xu5ww wrote

What is bail? Maybe 10% of court ordered amount? If the parents could afford the BMW, they could afford that. Either they know he’s a flight risk, or possibly want nothing to do with him. I wonder what condition they believe he has.


similar_observation t1_j1yb3bv wrote

bail is value in full, 10% is for bond. $50k is pretty quick for an attorney and a published architect with multiple properties across the US. The BMW M5's smouldering hulk could probably cover a 5th of it.


donbee28 t1_j1ysmyp wrote

It’s like the affluenza defence all over again


FallingHardForK t1_j20baoo wrote

I knew that kids therapist, not excusing it or agreeing but man I heard some fucked up shit about his parents like getting coked up and fucking around him


Vladivostokorbust t1_j20qsih wrote

And his therapist violated the confidence of his patient?


FallingHardForK t1_j20r29h wrote

No he just shared some stuff he also testified about but way to keep up the Reddit tradition of not trusting a single thing written online on an anonymous online platform


the_simurgh t1_j1y7koq wrote

too busy getting ready to cover their own asses. according to that article they may have some criminal liability


My_G_Alt t1_j201dtv wrote

I hope they’re sued into abject poverty


the_simurgh t1_j202kdf wrote

oh if the law allows for it they will be. i had physical health problems that prevented me from driving till my 20's if i had been behind the wheel and suffered an attack of my problems i'd be in serious shit.

they knew he was mentally ill and that would impair his ability to drive and disregarded it. they might see criminal charges if the prosecutor is a serious pit bull of a prosecutor.


SnakeDoctur t1_j207cw9 wrote

It's Florida, so no. They cannot lose their primary residence or various retirement investments they hold. They'll still be very wealthy after this is all over with.


the_simurgh t1_j20e2nf wrote

the problem is they knowingly gave a driver they knew was impaired and unable to drive properly a car, they could go to prison.


jusmellow t1_j1z4s98 wrote

Fuckin house arrest after killing 6 ppl?


PolicyWonka t1_j1zdx2p wrote

It’s always been said if you want to kill someone, do it with a vehicle.


EmptyKnowledge9314 t1_j1xx26u wrote

I didn’t know we had another affluenza POS. Dammit.


m1k3tv t1_j1zd7vs wrote

Not just affluenza in this case, it seems like he was literally under psychiatric care and should never have been behind a wheel.


Sheeple_person t1_j20fwv6 wrote

Yeah sounds more like a case of his parents just being huge pieces of shit.


stevenbrotzel91 t1_j1xnd9d wrote

Wow talk about fuck boy haircut. He definitely did that shit for real.


Notsopatriotic t1_j1y955s wrote

A real fuckin broccoli top.


RandomDigitalSponge t1_j1ydxel wrote

Who’s responsible for the broccoli top fad? Arrest them.


PhilSpectorsMugshot t1_j1yeoxt wrote

Only Satan himself could conjure up such a hideous monstrosity.


plopseven t1_j1z3oxm wrote

I like these haircuts. They’re like the red caps. You learn who someone is before they have to tell you. Saves me time.


SnakeDoctur t1_j2084o8 wrote

Ironically, Jake Paul accidentally popularized it -- but he was using it as a means to cover up his rapid male pattern baldness


Lou_C_Fer t1_j1yjp23 wrote

My son has curly hair like that. There is not a ton to be done with it.


Fermats_Last_Account t1_j1yzzar wrote

Well, there is kinda. This particular style is mostly cutting the sides. If you don’t cut the sides, it looks less like a fuck-boy hair or less like broccoli hair - and just looks like normal curly hair.

Only when you fade the sides does it look douchy.


ScreamingMemales t1_j1zhi15 wrote

His hair is naturally straight, getting a perm like that is fuckboy material.


onlycatshere t1_j1za85k wrote

I really don't get the broccoli top hate. Seems like popularity hate tbh... I've seen both little shitheads and respectful youngsters sport the style, and I think the internet is trying to make it a thing just so it can be a meme we can harp about. When it first started popping up I thought it looked good and I still think it does, though it's no longer a unique style


[deleted] t1_j1yx576 wrote



[deleted] t1_j1z67nk wrote



[deleted] t1_j1z809s wrote



kstinfo t1_j1xwjzf wrote

Nice of Boca to provide the angelic photo. I don't believe a person should be judged by appearance but here's what this asshole really looks like.


Full_Temperature_920 t1_j1z609o wrote

Those 2 photos looks exactly the same lol, I'd even say yours makes him look smug af about it all


Owain451 t1_j1zi0rw wrote

I didn't get a real difference from the two photos either. Not sure what OP is talking about. The second photo just looks like a Philippino kid or something


CuriousRelish t1_j1yhhit wrote

I bet he cried when he murdered those people, too. Trying to get sympathy for being a "kid that made a mistake". Lock him up in a prison or forensic hospital and throw away the key.


crackhousebob t1_j1yzsk1 wrote

I was only allowed to drive my mom's mini-van as a teenager. It certainly could reach dangerous speeds on a highway if one was determined to, but it was a fucking mini-van and I had no inclination to try. Just not the coolest car to show off in.


KicksYouInTheCrack t1_j1z9lki wrote

If only insurance companies could mandate speed governors on cars driven by people under 25 years old.


keith_richards_liver t1_j2djct9 wrote

Why not for every vehicle? No one EVER needs to go 80MPH, you can live your entire life and get anywhere you need to go at 75MPH, even less


Pleasant-Alps9171 t1_j1zn6dq wrote

He'll just get a slap on the wrist due to affluenza.


SpaceLemming t1_j20sjit wrote

I fucking hate that defense because it’s would be extremely easy to teach them their actions have consequences.


MacAttack2015 t1_j20j5y6 wrote

And yet he still lives.

If God were real, he'd be a cruel motherfucker.


BKDOffice t1_j21mchp wrote

Same with that traveling nurse who killed an entire family including an unborn child running a red light at 90 mph. She somehow survived it too.


blueberrylemony t1_j216m11 wrote

He looks so smug and amused. Piece of shit.


blackmetaltay t1_j216qcs wrote

His hair style looks like a piece of broccoli 🥦


mekonsrevenge t1_j242hib wrote

I hope the whole family ends up living under a bridge and eating out of dumpsters. Take everything they own or will ever own. Watch the kid plead affluenza.


[deleted] t1_j1yz6rm wrote



Redditfront2back t1_j20b0a0 wrote

I agree with the first part, but castration as a punishment is a slippery slope plus I’m pretty sure the 8th amendment won’t allow it.


rollingwheel t1_j1ygnl8 wrote

I hope they get some restitution since some of the deceased were parents but I remember reading only the driver was wearing seatbelts, I wonder how that’ll affect things.


Pieassassin24 t1_j1yir68 wrote

At 151mph it really doesn’t matter.


crackhousebob t1_j1z0sp4 wrote

Yes, of course it matters when a car rolls over multiple times. The rollover is survivable with a seat belt.
