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windisfun t1_j1wvi0r wrote

We're not preppers, but we have enough food and water for a couple weeks. It's just the way we shop, buying stuff on sale and keeping it stocked up.

I never understood how people don't have a few days worth. They seriously don't have peanut butter, jelly, soup, crackers, Ramen etc?


JeepNaked t1_j1ww406 wrote

I'm a small-town farm boy so it's just natural for me to keep food and stuff on hand. I also hate running to the store every time I need something.


Ocyanea t1_j1z9rqy wrote

People who get takeout or fast food a lot don’t. Some people literally just have drinks and maybe a bag of chips and grab pizza or McDonald’s on their way home regularly.

Having a well-stocked kitchen is something you have to learn how to do when you move out for the first time. Some people didn’t have a well stocked kitchen growing up so it doesn’t even occur to them that there are basics they should just have on hand.