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limonade11 t1_j1ir62d wrote

yes ! i will just take my foot off the pedal and let the car find it's own equilibrium. learned this living in the northern plains. Just an intuitive thing, but it works for me -


ArchdukeOfNorge t1_j1is3lo wrote

That too! I coast a lot in the winter when going down hills. Pedal/throttle is your enemy in ice or snow.


Botboy141 t1_j1ixqww wrote

Throttle is fine with 4/AWD.

Brakes in snow don't exist. The only real thing you need to know to drive safely in snow/ice is to never put yourself in a position where you have to brake (especially brake hard).

And obviously don't lay on the throttle if you don't have traction...


lvlint67 t1_j1l302j wrote

> where you have to brake

**Or quickly change direction.

I've seen several pickups go ass over tea kettle on the side of the road after trying to swerve to get around someone they thought was a bad/slow driver.


limonade11 t1_j1nplbt wrote

oh yes ! pride goeth before a fall, as they say. I have also seen many wrecks on the side of the road from this. We have snowy, cold mountainous regions here and a lot of proud pick up drivers