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Slavasonic t1_j14g831 wrote

I feel like I’ve never seen the plural of hearse written out before and it took my brain longer than it should to figure out.


blindspot189 t1_j14lew9 wrote

It never even occurred to me that we would need a plural for hearse...i hate this timeline


THExGIRTH t1_j14vp19 wrote

A queue of that like a murder of crows?

But seriously, they're saying no new cases but have lines of herses waiting to "drop off" the dead? Yeah nothing to see here, move along citizen.


BetterMakeAnAccount t1_j16vp27 wrote

A group of hearses should be called a “hord”. Just to fuck with people who have to process the phrase “a hord of hearses”


Ganon_Cubana t1_j15lqcg wrote

They're saying that covid isn't killing people, not that it doesn't exist.

> The National Health Commission said on Tuesday only deaths caused by pneumonia and respiratory failure in patients who had the virus are classified as COVID deaths.


jayfeather31 t1_j14p9lj wrote

I spy a contradiction, and I'm certain everyone else does.


PlaguesAngel t1_j170qbb wrote

In January 2020 anyone trading in stories of people being welded into their apartments, windows being forcibly boarded up and doors chained in China were called liars.

Then the deadly Urumqi Apartment Fire that sparked the ZERO Covid riots 3 weeks ago was so bad because….people where “forcibly quarantined” and unable to escape or be reached by emergency services (whatever does that turn of phrase mean?) Chinese media tried to downplay it internationally as Fire Trucks had a hard time getting access to good vantage points to combat the blaze because “cars with dead batteries blockaded the street”.

But yeah sure, another perfectly logical Chinese news piece to take exactly at face value.


DinkleMutz t1_j15uy3z wrote

It's your country and your people, China. I mean, go ahead and lie if you want about COVID deaths I guess? It isn't stopping people from dying.


NPVT t1_j15quuy wrote

Openness is not a CCP thing.