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LorenzoStomp t1_j0tctlq wrote

40 cats couldn't catch those roaches?


Swankified_Tristan t1_j0th8r0 wrote

Well if they're anything like my cats, they don't want to catch the roaches!


gaurwraith t1_j0tuagx wrote

Well mine catch them and one of them eats them and pukes them, nothing like a puke covered roach on your carpet in the morning... I mean cats will usually hunt them, I guess if it's a lone roach going inside the house once a week, it's fun, but lots of them all the time? I guess not that fun.


bumblebeetown t1_j0ul65p wrote

“Lone”? “Once a week”? My bruddah, that’s an infestation, you just aren’t seeing the full extent.


gaurwraith t1_j0urq6w wrote

Hehe probably, but looks like the cats can manage this one
