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breadexpert69 t1_j2481tn wrote

“At least one person has been killed after heavy fog caused a pile-up of over 200 vehicles near the city of Zhengzhou, in central China.”

Heavy fog is no joke. Gets to a point of guessing what is in front.


PistachioNSFW t1_j24dmht wrote

Ironically, most self driving cars use LiDAR so fog wouldn’t affect them. Only Tesla relies solely on optics.

Edit: to stop the pedantics below, water vapor in the air can affect LiDAR, it still functions though and considerably better than a human or an optical camera in fog.


Typ_mit_Playse t1_j24itr0 wrote

I remember we were driving through a very foggy part on a highway when i was a child. We already saw crashed cars and many standing on the hard shoulder. Then someone was crossing the highway on foot, so my mother had to swerwe, crashing into another car standing on the hard shoulder.

Don't drive there, and don't walk on fucking highways when nobody sees shit. Stay behind the crash barriers, because you ain't safe anywhere there, even in a car

(Edit: Tbf maybe the person might just have escaped from their own crashed car... idk. But my mother should've been wiser and we should have stopped earlier.)


ScandiSom t1_j24za4v wrote

It seems like everything in China is scaled up.


PistachioNSFW t1_j2517mc wrote

That’s cause he’s wrong. LiDAR is less effective when there is water (in this case vapor) to scatter the lasers but it’s way better than an optical camera and in turn way better than an eyeball.


Roughneck_76 t1_j2538wr wrote

You need to know the stopping distance of your vehicle on various surfaces, and travel at a speed that allows you to come to a complete stop within the limits of your visibility. Hoping there is nothing in front of the car and continuing on at 60mph is how selfish people cause fatalities.


sweetpeapickle t1_j25dfqe wrote

Wow and I thought the ones we have right down the road were terrible.(I41 WI)


Pilotom_7 t1_j25e223 wrote

It has so many advantages. Its bound to Happen. Fir example, if there is a major accident a mile ahead, your car will know and Look for an alternative path. A pothole ahead, all cars will avoid it.


apolo79 t1_j27tv87 wrote

Probably covid related


izzyjubejube t1_j2816g7 wrote

I was on the last 4 hour leg of a long road trip and driving back home in the middle of the night, suddenly stuck in the densest fog I’ve ever seen. I knew a toll was coming up at some point but I couldn’t see any signs or other cars until I was nearly on top of them. Nearly split my knuckles open from gripping the wheel so hard.


AwkwardCarpet2 t1_j28fisz wrote

Great who is going to clean up all the broken plastic and cheap metal carnage everywhere.


rtb001 t1_j29apiw wrote

But but the Great Elon told me that for the low low price of 15,000 USD, my car would drive itself (one day soon, definitely, like next year probably, if inky we didn't have all those pesky government regulators) , and just like people, all it needs are some cameras, and none of the lidar, radar, ultrasonic crap being used by dinosaur "legacy" auto!