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iamnotbillyjoel t1_izbm0zd wrote

well that's obvious, yet unconvincing


lellololes t1_izbnfnp wrote

Would it make you feel better if you knew that the jet engines that power the 747-800 are from the series of engines that also powers the 787?


[deleted] t1_izbnkq2 wrote



Squattedtrucksarebad t1_izbshfy wrote

Just under 4% of the total amount of B747s have been involved in an accident that lead to a Hull loss. Some of which weren't even down to fault of the plane.

The 747-8 doesn't contributes to any of them as far as I'm aware.

Planes are built to a different standard to cars. Cars are mass produced. Planes aren't.


flume t1_izcz7i2 wrote

Wait, 1 out of every 25 747s ever built has been destroyed in a crash? Damn I know they've been operating a long time and it includes stuff like CFIT incidents, but I'm surprised it's that high.


Made_of_Awesome t1_izdbu2a wrote

Not crash, just loss beyond economical repair. The stats include everything from terrorist attacks, cargo fires, and floods while in storage.