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Range-Shoddy t1_j1kfobt wrote

Police didn’t find shit. The two women that ALSO FOUND THE KIDNAPPER found the baby. They got the cops from the restaurant to point out the baby in the car.


Honorcodeviolator t1_j1kxnd4 wrote

Yeah and the police barely believed them in the first place. If they hadn’t gone looking for the car, I can’t even imagine what would have happened to that beautiful baby.


smartalice11 t1_j1kfmjt wrote

False. Good samaritans handed the suspect to the cops on a silver platter, THEN went on to find the missing car with the baby inside. I'm not saying multiple PDs didn't help, but they don't get the credit and glory of saving that baby's life.


tigerCELL t1_j1khslc wrote

>"Curry said she showed police a screenshot of Jackson’s mugshot and after comparing the woman in the car, the officer decided she did in fact appear to be Jackson and took her into custody about 2 p.m. Thursday. "

About 7 different piggies did everything they could to NOT take this woman in. Wow. Goes to show the police are useless. Unless you're late for work, in which case they'll bust your ass for speeding.


Beautiful_Fee1655 t1_j1noqom wrote

On behalf of the corporate state, police have great utility in supressing legitimate peaceful protests.


Thetman38 t1_j1kgob9 wrote

Is it bad that after reading the title I thought "Let's see how this was spun in their favor"


SpellingIsAhful t1_j1kia36 wrote

Police recieve tip from woman who identified kidnapper and baby.


Deegedeege t1_j1lebrg wrote

Cops are doing a PR campaign as the baby is black, but this has now backfired after people read the truth about it. This kind of PR trick just makes people distrust cops even more.


mywan t1_j1kmxob wrote

>Indianapolis police have declined to share the details about how investigating officers found baby Kason Thomas, who went missing Monday in Columbus, Ohio, with his twin brother when a woman took their mother's running car with them in the back seat.

So the police didn't want to provide any details that would have robbed them of the credit for finding the kids.

>First the cousins called Columbus police, who told them to call the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. When they called Indianapolis police, the women struggled to get the point across that they believed Jackson was in their car.

>They got frustrated and hung up, and took the woman to several more stores hoping she would shoplift and draw authorities' attention. They worried taking her to a police station might cause her to run.

So even getting the cops to respond became a problem.

>Curry said throughout the shopping trips, she made calls to detectives trying to relay all the information she received from her cousin about their belief "Mae" was the suspected kidnapper.

Finally they got a response the cops, in the worst possible way.

>At one point the police called while the women were in the car, the cousins said. Not wanting to tip off the woman, Curry said she pretended to be talking to a friend and indicated they were driving on I-65 south. The women said police found their car and conducted a traffic stop. "Mae" at that point went quiet, the women said. Curry said a police officer initially seemed skeptical about whether it was Jackson, and said they should take her to a shelter.

So even when they had the kidnapper in their grasp the cops still had to be convinced it was actually the kidnapper.

>Curry said she showed police a screenshot of Jackson’s mugshot and after comparing the woman in the car, the officer decided she did in fact appear to be Jackson and took her into custody about 2 p.m. Thursday.

Only now there's still the problem of a missing baby.

>Aware that temperatures were about to plunge into subzero territory, the cousins knew they had to turn their attention to finding the baby. In the back seat they found their first clue: "Mae" had left behind a bus schedule.

Like the time my car was stolen and after getting it back the cops weren't interested in the (court) documents in the car that identified the thief.

>Since the stolen Honda that Jackson is accused of driving also was missing, they decided to trace the bus route and look for vehicles covered in snow that would indicate the car hadn't moved in a while.

So these people were better detectives than many detectives.

>The women were about to give up, they said, and were getting hungry. They saw a Papa John's on Indiana Avenue and were thinking about getting food when they saw a Honda in a parking lot covered in snow.

So basically these peoples story was essentially plagiarized by the cops.

>Delmar said she saw a couple officers inside a Blaze Pizza nearby and rushed to tell them about the baby.

So now the cops credit themselves with the stop that resulted in the arrest of the kidnapper, in spite of the trouble these people went through to convince the cops to make that stop, and now they also credit themselves with finding the baby that these same people actually did the legwork to find.


omgmypony t1_j1ko0nu wrote

Baby Kason would have literally frozen to death had these women not fought for him every step of the way!


ChipotleBanana t1_j1ld3z4 wrote

Wow. That's an incredible story. They literally saved that kids life.


faelady176 t1_j1l9m3q wrote

The woman standing in the background of the photo tracked that baby down in her own time after turning in the woman who kidnapped him.

The cops just happened to be eating around the area.


goodness___gracious t1_j1megmz wrote

No, they did not. Women did all of the work, tracked the baby, found the woman who took her, and police didn’t cooperate every step of the way. The women alerted police to the car after tracing the bus route the thief left a pamphlet for in their car.


cfadad t1_j1ljj3l wrote

More copaganda from cnn


MissIndigoBonesaw t1_j1knhgu wrote

I'm just so happy is has been found. I can't imagine what his family had gone through. The best Christmas present ever.


Cambarrr t1_j1mtftj wrote

Copaganda people, the shit is rampant rn


jetbag513 t1_j1n3clt wrote

After which their pants collectively caught on fire.


Kali_404 t1_j1nyrsd wrote

The police didn't do anything but stumble into their jobs while trying to avoid it. What a joke


Rwebberc OP t1_j1kfds4 wrote

Great job, Chief Wiggum.


daddysxenogirl t1_j1kfnfk wrote

No mention in that article about the two women who ACTUALLY found the baby, and the kidnapper, one is standing in the photo posted!!


Rwebberc OP t1_j1kfwdz wrote

I just thought the idea of some cops accidentally doing their job while stopping to fill their bellies was pretty funny.


jungles_fury t1_j1kh8qd wrote

The ladies had to beg and plead with them for help, not especially funny nor accidental


ironroad18 t1_j1v96n9 wrote

"The law is powerless to help you, not punish you."


MikeyFromWork t1_j1lakvz wrote

Wilma, I promise you, whatever scum did this; not one man on this force will rest one minute until he’s behind bars. Now, let’s grab a bite to eat.


sleepiestOracle t1_j1phcgd wrote

These women really did all the work for this baby. I hope they get the best karma.


Deegedeege t1_j1le943 wrote

What on earth is "battery of bodily waste"? She was charged with whatever that is.


OneLostOstrich t1_j1r854r wrote

It sounds like they stopped to eat fresh baby and found a kidnapped one.


Zeduca t1_j1kihmw wrote

See, eating has benefits!
