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maninthewoodsdude t1_j26u9rs wrote

Price. Sticker shops aren't paying the high taxes a legal place has too.

Im in Buffalo and fully expect to see sticker stores being targeted when they start opening the legal dispensaries here. The police in outlying suburbs (Cheektowaga) have already raided a sticker store/shut it down, so there is precedent.


Mode3 t1_j284qf9 wrote

What is a sticker store?


paprika_alarm t1_j28i3bb wrote

Marijuana is given as a “free gift” for buying something small and overpriced, like a sticker. Marijuana itself isn’t illegal, but the selling of it is.

Kind of like during early prohibition when bars would gift alcohol if you bought a more-expensive lunch.


Bryanb337 t1_j29fk10 wrote

Damn places I go to in NYC are just straight selling it, not including it as a gift with something else.


kciuq1 t1_j29k8i1 wrote

>Kind of like during early prohibition when bars would gift alcohol if you bought a more-expensive lunch.

Everything old is new again.


LiliNotACult t1_j2818sv wrote

I was going to say it depends but then I remembered Oregon being for stoners is the meme.