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TwitchyCake t1_j16pzwo wrote

tbf they only admitted Nazism was bad after they got merc'd by the allies


derpaherpa t1_j17spug wrote

Who exactly, speaking for Germany, was supposed to admit it before that? The Nazi government?


XxHavanaHoneyxX t1_j17wv1s wrote

Which is why the Brits won’t do the same because they basically got away with imperialism and just slowly deflated economically due to the world wars. Nobody ever really held the British Empire to account for wrong doings. They won and lost battles and wars overseas.


TroutCreekOkanagan t1_j17oom5 wrote

Still , they legalized weed. So their priorities are on point. Bob Marley would say gotta have Kaya now! I consider Germany and the Germans I have meet to very interesting people, some of which are very kind.
