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aqua_zesty_man OP t1_j1qocz1 wrote

This isn't about Islam or "waging war against God", it's about the theocracy that rules Iran perceiving these protests for reform as a threat to its very existence.


redander t1_j1qoei1 wrote

Since that's going to end the protests and not increase the hatred towards those in power.


Edit: I hope these assholes in power step down sooner than later


SpindriftRascal t1_j1qorcu wrote

Historically, such methods have been turned against their proponents. One can only hope.


Modern_Bear t1_j1qq7uz wrote

>The association (Jame’e Moddaresin-e Howzeh Elmiye-ye Qom) suggested that anyone who “instigates fear in society” -- supposedly by participation in anti-government protests -- is belligerent (mohareb) which in Iran's Sharia-based laws is punishable by death, crucifixion, severance of limbs, and/or exile.

So by that logic the hardline clerics should be executed, crucified, or amputated, because they are "instigating fear in society."


Outrageous-Gur4824 t1_j1qqmjs wrote

“Sick, twisted assholes demand more sick, twisted punishments.”

There, fixes it.


loading066 t1_j1qsjg5 wrote

Always a headline you want to see in relation to your governance: "More Executions & Amputations Please".



Velkyn01 t1_j1qt6fi wrote

Hardliner Cleric is the worst subclass in 5e. The extra cantrip really just isn't worth it.


sudeepharya t1_j1qvsmn wrote

Amputations and executions will not cease until Morality improves!!!!


Exoddity t1_j1qy2g4 wrote

"Iran shall never be free until the last Ayatollah is strangled with the entrails of the last cleric" - Diderot (more or less)


StinkyBanjo t1_j1qybjt wrote

Generally i don’t advocate placing political leaders on the pyre. Generally…


Clean-Bubbles t1_j1qyi19 wrote

These guys are disgusting & I hope the population gives them their due asap.


fungrandma9 t1_j1qyli0 wrote

Makes me wonder how many of those men can even read the Quran. I don't think the literacy rate is very high among some.

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits and may they burn in hellfire for all eternity.


joa-kolope t1_j1qz4mc wrote

Old men always the ones doing and saying stupid shit.


redander t1_j1r26m3 wrote

I'm not condoning violence. Also, they can't face consequences until they step down. They currently control the military and weapons, that they continue to use against innocent people.


Halvinz t1_j1r2owm wrote

I can't locate the video of an Iranian state-run show where the guest was advocating to cut off one arm, one leg, and then gouging eyes of a protester who is sentenced to death.

His reasoning was that they shouldn't be summarily executed. That's an easy death according to him. They (the protesters) must suffer and torture to death.

I have no problem rendering such punishment for someone who has committed a heinous crime against others. But we are talking about political prisoners who just want to express their voice of dissent against their tyrannical government.


foo-jitsoo t1_j1r2qfn wrote

I’m just saying - people like this never step down. They need to be removed. I also hate violence, but violent revolutions against evil regimes might not be all bad. They can certainly face consequences without stepping down.


labrys t1_j1r2t3v wrote

That's what I thought when I read they thought the punishment was justified when the crime was commited with the “goal of causing fear and a sense of insecurity in the society and knowing that these actions would be publicized domestically and abroad.”

That sounds exactly like what they are doing when they threaten execution and amputation for the 'crime' of protesting.


sutroheights t1_j1r7t5q wrote

Is it us that’s out of touch? No, it’s the kids. Let’s cut off their heads, that’ll calm them down.


Mikethebest78 t1_j1r9io8 wrote

Nothing says "we are secure in our belief system" like chopping off arms legs and heads.


crackhousebob t1_j1r9syq wrote

Surprised they didn't demand more raping. Security services are particularly fond of raping men during interrogations.


stvrkillr t1_j1rax2g wrote

Until the world moves past religion this is what we’ll have


ouchnow t1_j1rcklj wrote

At this rate Iran’s going to be a nation of amputees.


OkFisherman1620 t1_j1rimxw wrote

I’m sure that won’t have any bad consequences and really calm things down, after all these clerics are really good at public relations.


MansfromDaVinci t1_j1rltq4 wrote

There is an obvious and neat solution. They want, they get.


VirginiaLuthier t1_j1rr29l wrote

They are done at a hospital. The go home with a "how to care for your wound" instruction sheet. For real...


MarkHathaway1 t1_j1rr3go wrote

Changes to Soviet countries have been remarkably peaceful if you think of all the purges and "big" killings. It doesn't mean that a change away from Putin today, however peaceful looking, wouldn't still be quite violent. The change in China has been somewhat gradual, but the general improvement in living standards UPWARD has made that doable. In Iran and Afghanistan the repressive regimes (whatever their religion or other beliefs & policies) is tearing people limb from limb and destroying what good lives they had -- sending the countries DOWNWARD into chaos.


Modsblogoats t1_j1rt2o8 wrote

Religion is a serious, dangerous mental illness.


SceneLeft6840 t1_j1ru4ch wrote

They’re going hard on the viral marketing for Gremlins 3.


aShittierShitTier4u t1_j1rvdlq wrote

Well if you are giving out bonus points, I would like to let you know that the pig fucker Ayatollah Khomeini also loved to get fucked by select boars, also he was known for his enthusiastic predilection to perform anilingus upon castrated "barrow" pigs.


notunek t1_j1rw4nw wrote

Yike! They believe that protests "tarnish" Iran's place in the world? What about hanging people in public without a trial?


aShittierShitTier4u t1_j1rwa5v wrote

In paradise, they can have all the amputations and executions they desire. I would endeavor to help speed them to the place their faith guides them to go. Perhaps the means that I would apply to achieve such ends might be of a drastically different nature than what they wish to have, but they will certainly end up in the exact same place, regardless. I am but a humble servant here.


_Tock_ t1_j1rwdvd wrote

Good, let’s start with the clerics.


echo6golf t1_j1rwjcz wrote

Hey, guys? Seems like those tactics aren’t working too well, wouldn’t you say?


dalitpidated t1_j1rz6sw wrote

Unwrap their heads and call them what they truly are, hairline clerics. Fucking butt sniffing slavers.


Crackracket t1_j1s34yo wrote

I have some suggestions, but I don't think they'll like them


blahblahlablah t1_j1s606y wrote

I've had several close Iranian friends over the years. I'm in awe of what these people are doing, and that they are so brave to stand up for these necessary changes. I'm not sure I am that brave. I hope these barbaric, insecure men that demand women, and other non-'traditional' men, be their slaves fall.

Fuck them.


HunterRoze t1_j1s93ug wrote

And this folks is how you move from peaceful/physical protests right on to armed violence. The regime has already had problems when they were going to execute someone known, they thought those were one-offs and other people will not care?


Yugan-Dali t1_j1sgdnz wrote

“such actions tarnish Iran's image in the international community” To an abuser, it’s always the victim’s fault.


21CFR820 t1_j1sk2ea wrote

Tell me youre a barbaric chimpanzee without telling me youre a barbaric chimpanzee


Otherside-Dav t1_j1skce2 wrote

Remember those words when the gov is overthrow, that's how they should be treated in return


joegetto t1_j1slhky wrote

Woah, those critics better be careful with complaining about how things are done!


saxxy_assassin t1_j1sn7k2 wrote

Man, I miss when clerics would just say a few words, heal 4 to 10 hit points, and call it a day.


kenocada t1_j1snakd wrote

The headline in an alternate universe, “Iran demands more executions, amputations for hardliner clerics.” Sounds like a better place.


Textification t1_j1snt6e wrote

I agree! More executions! More Amputations! Start with the Clerics! Amputate them alllllll! (Then,... execute.)


brenex t1_j1sqsqs wrote

This is absolutely unacceptable. These clowns should have their hands amputated and mouths sewn shut


frupp110 t1_j1srij7 wrote

If the clerics want to be amputated and executed, who are we to stop them.


H__Dresden t1_j1sru6t wrote

They need to tract down the clerics and give time a lobotomy.


PoorPauly t1_j1srzg5 wrote

Iranians should start with the clerics.


phred_666 t1_j1suods wrote

Such a caring, loving, religious government.


Musicferret t1_j1t05vy wrote

Well, I’m sure the crowds of protestors will oblige them…. come on old religious guys! Arms out to be hacked off!


thudly t1_j1t0tza wrote

Imagine trying to convince the world that your god is good, and holy, and just, and righteous, and his teachings are the only correct moral way... and then calling for mutilating human beings.

The only spiritual entity I know of that gets off on sadistically torturing people wears a red suit and carries a pitchfork. Maybe these people need to re-examine their beliefs.


girl_canada t1_j1t0xia wrote

Just can't fathom how any human can fall to such barbaric level. These despicable people are utter disgrace to humanity

Also, the bravery of Iranian protestors are remarkable to stand up against such brutal regime. Hope they win soon


FallenITD t1_j1t2ddm wrote

So are they volunteering ? Pretty ballsy move from a group of idiots stuck in the stone age


livingfortheliquid t1_j1t2r3l wrote

Sounds good. Start with the hardline clarics. See how things go after that.


sirthunksalot t1_j1tb0c3 wrote

>The association (Jame’e Moddaresin-e Howzeh Elmiye-ye Qom) suggested that anyone who “instigates fear in society” -- supposedly by participation in anti-government protests -- is belligerent (mohareb) which in Iran's Sharia-based laws is punishable by death, crucifixion, severance of limbs, and/or exile.

It's in the article.


Nostonica t1_j1tl1lj wrote

Stalin - Won WW2, popular support and a good grasp on the apparatus of the state, not going anywhere.
Mao - More likely to get a bunch of red book wielding people causing a issue if you did this, Also founder points and a desire to project party unity.
Pinochet - I'm sure the US/UK would have issues with his removal, maybe intervene.
Leopold II - Belgium eventually couldn't take the excesses of the Congo and took it off him.


SunGazing8 t1_j1tll1h wrote

The world is populated by utter bastards.

There should be executions in Iran. Executions of every twat calling for the execution or amputations of those people protesting for their freedom. Fuck those guys.


hokumbafflegab t1_j1tofvo wrote

The fact that there are living human “clerics” in 2022


Hollow_Vegetable t1_j1tsnug wrote

Because they get satisfaction from hurting others. Rape is not about sex, it’s about humiliating, torturing, and exerting control over the victim. That is what turns them on, sex is just the means to an end. It’s sick that a person would get sexually aroused by that, and this might explain why most don’t see it that way, but we must stop equating rape with sexuality.


Methylatedcobalamin t1_j1ty5xe wrote

Toward the right of that picture it looks like about two men are sleeping in their seats. I'm wondering if someone in Iran will see that picture resulting in them getting brutishly punished as that group wants for others.


squidking78 t1_j1tyl1z wrote

Iran & Saudi Arabia have so much in common, I don’t know why they don’t get along. Both huge fans of amputations. They should ask Saudi Arabia about starting up a public beheading division.

The rest of us ditched this stuff centuries ago.


StillHere179 t1_j1tzsuy wrote

The clerics are the ones that should be executed


KeenNetizen t1_j1tzwto wrote

“...because such actions tarnish Iran's image in the international community and bear other costs for the government.” As if implementing those punishments would do any good


CAESTULA t1_j1u7bln wrote

Okay, execute the hardline clerics then if they love it so much.


Macasumba t1_j1u7ce4 wrote

Maybe all first born males in 2023 might help.


xMrBryanx t1_j1uc84a wrote

Everyone one of these clerics could have their dicks cut off with a dull needle and I would feel nothing but happiness for the women, men and children that no longer have to live under this archaic bullshit.


LittleLight85 t1_j1ugshr wrote

It’s hard to imagine how/why a culture wants to hold onto such archaic and barbaric beliefs in this day and age.


ArmyOfMemes t1_j1uk1aj wrote

I hope these clerics are the ones who end up amputated and executed. Death to the dictator, freedom for the women and children of Iran!


LordFluffy t1_j1uqw91 wrote

They want more? I say we give them what they want. I don't think they'd like who I suggest we give them to, though.


jstank2 t1_j1urvow wrote

There were once some people in france who had something to say about this. That resaulted in one of the first democracies in the world.


thunderclone1 t1_j1uw2ku wrote

No modern democracy has been achieved peacefully. It would be hypocrisy to insist that violence is never the answer if you live in one.

Edit: did you fucking report me as suicidal? Asshole.


scribblingsim t1_j1vc49k wrote

The vague concept is in Islam, HOWEVER, like you said, they're interpreting it VERY loosely. Ironically, it's supposed to be more about things like terrorism, which they're strangely not interested in punishing.

I'm not saying they're not Muslim, but they ARE misusing Islam to abuse women. And I'm not saying that Christians don't do the same. They've been doing the same for many centuries, like when they took the absolutely idiotic command to "not suffer a Witch to live" and used it to their own ends to gain an insane amount of control over people and the excuse to murder any undesirables in a horrific way, either through the torture used to get them to incriminate their neighbors to make the pain stop or through burning at the stake, pressing with stones, or whatever other means of killing women they could devise. Or when they misinterpreted the Bible to go against gay people and then started murdering THEM en masse, and then later just went the "kinder" route of just persecuting the hell out of them.

Were they Christians? Oh absolutely. But they, like these assholes running Iran, knowingly twisted their religion for control through terror and should not be considered good members of their faith.


scribblingsim t1_j1vgkte wrote

Doesn't mean they weren't happening at the hands of religious leaders. That was my point. These guys in Iran are religious leaders, so I found religious leaders to compare them to. They're all the same. It seems to be a common thread among these religions that developed so close to each other.


OPA73 t1_j1w3lie wrote

I agree, more hard line clerics should be executed. Oh, they meant the other people.


heinous_asterisk t1_j1xku7e wrote

Came in here wondering about that, actually.

Somehow this creeps me out more than just hacking the limb off in the moment. I mean, it's terrible either way don't get me wrong, but somehow the idea of being put under for maiming surgery against my will gives me the creeps like nothing else. Pure distilled body horror.


fnnkybutt t1_j1xq5tl wrote

Tired of religious zealots of all types.