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SohndesRheins t1_j12szad wrote

That is only true if you count 18b and 19 year old adults as children.


[deleted] t1_j142ln2 wrote



SohndesRheins t1_j148ykf wrote

The stats in that article are nuts when it breaks it down by ethnicity and sex, especially when you compare black males to Hispanic or white females. Being a young black male child in the US is like being a refugee in Yemen, can't imagine what those neighborhoods look like.


Freedom11Fries t1_j15u1ii wrote

>can't imagine what those neighborhoods look like.

They look like your neighborhood. Or my neighborhood. There's no "look" for gun violence or people shooting kids in America. It's as close as Uvalde or Parkland, or the Mall, the movie theater, your church, your synagogue, your women's health clinic, or your grocery store.

People naturally want to look for patterns to make themselves feel better, to say "well it can't happen to me, because I live in a "safe" place." But in the US, random shootings, domestic violence, and mass shootings happen everywhere. We've literally got more guns than people.


SohndesRheins t1_j16meux wrote

No, these things do not happen everywhere, it's actually rather easy to see exactly where they happen. All those Chicago shootings only happen in certain areas. Saint Louis' shootings happen in very specific areas too.


[deleted] t1_j16o8gy wrote



SohndesRheins t1_j16xoaq wrote

Not sure why you are mentioning Boulder and Colorado Springs. Boulder doesn't have a high violent crime rate, but its property crime rate is 50% higher than thebrest of the country and it's not surprising that violent crime will happen there. Colorado Springs has a high property crime rate, but it also has a very high violent crime rate, so no shit you have a lot of shootings there. Colorado Springs has a violent crime rate 50% higher than the rest of the country combined, so how you count that as being evidence that shootings happen everywhere is beyond me. No, shootings don't happen everywhere, they happen in places with lots of property crime and violent crime, and Colorado Springs has both of those.

As far as Chicago, go look at a map of the shootings and see what areas they happen in. Those shootings don't happen in the areas with low crime rates.

I live in the country near a small town of 12,000 where the only crime issues are drugs and bad checks. A week ago there was a homicide here that was ruled as a self-defense shooting, and it was huge news because no homicide had happened in the county in a couple years. Shootings are not a problem here because we don't have many people, don't have many breaking and entering or robbery crimes, and we don't have many assaults either. No mass shooting has ever happened in my county as far back as anyone has kept data. Again, shootings do not happen everywhere, they happen in highly populated areas that also have high crime rates. You can claim that Boulder and Colorado Springs are quiet, rich cities all you want but the stats say that lots of crime happens there.