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thought_first t1_izyrf9w wrote

> The indictments come a week after the same grand jury issued a scathing report criticizing Loudoun County schools and other officials for their handling of a pair of sexual assaults committed by a male student in May and October 2021 at two high schools. The second assault occurred after the student was transferred to a new high school.

I'll never understand why administrators will cover-up for criminals because they think that the truth is somehow the actual problem.

Put rapists in jail. Full stop.


Tkat113 t1_izysxa9 wrote

Because the administrators don't think rape is a problem.


k-laz t1_izz7oyr wrote

Because controversy is the real crime when you are trying to maintain image.


Tkat113 t1_izzjurl wrote

Yes. And the reason the controversy is worse, and that the biggest problem they have is maintaining an image, is because they don't think rape is a problem.

If they considered rape to be a problem, they could go "hey someone did some rape here, and we punished them harshly because rape is wrong".

Since rape isn't a problem, and is in fact perfectly fine, normal and healthy for people to engage is, you only hide it because *other* people think it's a problem. And since those people are wrong, but they make a lot of noise, then you just make it go away because it's easier.


jetbag513 t1_izzmi65 wrote

Or they're related to the rapist.


Tkat113 t1_j00dhiy wrote

There are plenty of people who are related to rapists and who turn them in and don't defend them.

But if you don't think rape is a problem, well...


Rattrap551 t1_j02tlzn wrote

it's more complicated - the male student was wearing a dress & was in the girls bathroom. So to acknowledge the incident puts into question the politics of the bathroom policy. It sparks a culture war that the left-leaning county board does not want to fight or deal with.


atomic1fire t1_j04fwim wrote

The student was/is genderfluid but that still doesn't excuse the fact that the superintendent lied to the school board and made the first girl's father into a public pariah before the truth came out and another girl in a different school was raped by the same rapist.

That should be the story, that sexual orientation is not an excuse for covering for a rapist. You can't both promote tolerance and protect people who violate consent.


Tkat113 t1_j02wk5t wrote

Bathroom policies have never been a cover for rape.
That this person was actually trans, or pretending to be trans by wearing a skirt, or is cis and wore a skirt because he felt like it, doesn't have any relevance on being a rapist.

To go "well you know it's complicated" ignores the fact that rape is routinely ignored, brushed under the carpet, and tolerated in college campuses because administration doesn't think rape is a problem.


Rattrap551 t1_j032bu6 wrote

"Bathroom policies have never been a cover for rape."

True - that's because until about 15 minutes ago, bathroom policies weren't ever contoversial. To ignore the possibility that the trans student didn't take advantage of the LGBTQ+ friendly policy of "use whichever bathroom you feel like today" is a glaring narrative ommission, but then again this is WaPo. For those that seek the whole truth, look up the original story broke by the Daily Wire.


hillsons t1_izz6tje wrote

They tend to think that it'll be a huge ordeal for them if they actually punish the criminal, and alternatively if they just sweep the whole thing under the rug the problem will go away.


torpedoguy t1_j000nmb wrote

It's because normalizing abuse IS the intent here. When the right realized they couldn't easily end the peasants getting educated (not that they've stopped working on that) they began corrupting it instead.

Orders and ideology, top down, have been very fucking insistent that abuses and harm to children be protected and enabled as much as possible.

  • Only the outliers; those who cause so much outrage by going too far above and beyond the current normalization that they risk the system getting fixed, are thrown under the bus.

This is why they view the truth as the real problem and not the rape; because to them it IS, and the last thing they want is for people to realize the only thing something like a rapist will be stopped is by acting outside the system.


The_SHRiIVIP t1_j002szp wrote

This assault was committed by a trans student. Do you seriously think they all lean heavily into right wing ideology in the way you’re describing? It’s more likely the school didn’t want any blowback on investigating and potentially punishing a trans student, regardless of the reason.


Ed_Durr t1_j006qxd wrote

Furthermore, Loudon County is extremely socially liberal


OutLiving t1_j011hhx wrote

The article literally stated that the student didn’t identify as a woman, just that the student wore a skirt.

Are you so brain addled you couldn’t read a 5 minute article?


Mischevouss t1_j01dbv3 wrote

Lol he assaulted one of them in female toilet to which he had access.

May be he lied about identifying as a woman to get access to his victims


OutLiving t1_j01iw52 wrote

And how the fuck would you know? This is just a random ass assumption because the asshole wore a skirt

We already know that one of the victims already had a preexisting existing relationship with him, I think we would know he was trans or pretending to be at this point, but then again Special Agent u/Mischevouss please tell the police, grand jury and every report released on this incident what they are missing because you clearly seem to know a lot


NakamericaIsANoob t1_j06gmdz wrote

Stop getting offended for a criminal, lol


OutLiving t1_j06iofn wrote

This is not being offender for a criminal, it’s correcting misinformation on whether said criminal is transgender, which the criminal wasn’t


atomic1fire t1_j04tgzf wrote

The truth is that a specific genderfluid student is a rapist, the victim's father was forcibly removed from the school board meeting, and the school administrator lied to parents and the school board about the rape taking place, sending the student to another school where [pronoun here] commited another rape.

One may even make the case that it was a specific biologically male student taking advantage of school policies to harass and assault female students and their actual identification doesn't matter, while the school superintendent failed to notify the police and school board because they were afraid of PR pushback.