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torpedoguy t1_j000nmb wrote

It's because normalizing abuse IS the intent here. When the right realized they couldn't easily end the peasants getting educated (not that they've stopped working on that) they began corrupting it instead.

Orders and ideology, top down, have been very fucking insistent that abuses and harm to children be protected and enabled as much as possible.

  • Only the outliers; those who cause so much outrage by going too far above and beyond the current normalization that they risk the system getting fixed, are thrown under the bus.

This is why they view the truth as the real problem and not the rape; because to them it IS, and the last thing they want is for people to realize the only thing something like a rapist will be stopped is by acting outside the system.


The_SHRiIVIP t1_j002szp wrote

This assault was committed by a trans student. Do you seriously think they all lean heavily into right wing ideology in the way you’re describing? It’s more likely the school didn’t want any blowback on investigating and potentially punishing a trans student, regardless of the reason.


Ed_Durr t1_j006qxd wrote

Furthermore, Loudon County is extremely socially liberal


OutLiving t1_j011hhx wrote

The article literally stated that the student didn’t identify as a woman, just that the student wore a skirt.

Are you so brain addled you couldn’t read a 5 minute article?


Mischevouss t1_j01dbv3 wrote

Lol he assaulted one of them in female toilet to which he had access.

May be he lied about identifying as a woman to get access to his victims


OutLiving t1_j01iw52 wrote

And how the fuck would you know? This is just a random ass assumption because the asshole wore a skirt

We already know that one of the victims already had a preexisting existing relationship with him, I think we would know he was trans or pretending to be at this point, but then again Special Agent u/Mischevouss please tell the police, grand jury and every report released on this incident what they are missing because you clearly seem to know a lot


NakamericaIsANoob t1_j06gmdz wrote

Stop getting offended for a criminal, lol


OutLiving t1_j06iofn wrote

This is not being offender for a criminal, it’s correcting misinformation on whether said criminal is transgender, which the criminal wasn’t


atomic1fire t1_j04tgzf wrote

The truth is that a specific genderfluid student is a rapist, the victim's father was forcibly removed from the school board meeting, and the school administrator lied to parents and the school board about the rape taking place, sending the student to another school where [pronoun here] commited another rape.

One may even make the case that it was a specific biologically male student taking advantage of school policies to harass and assault female students and their actual identification doesn't matter, while the school superintendent failed to notify the police and school board because they were afraid of PR pushback.