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sweetpeapickle t1_j20rz6c wrote

I get that for some that's what running a business is like for most businesses. Only for those who own the business, & never step foot in it. Your everyday how small governments should be run. Then there would be actual budgeting for things that occur. Just like how a person may run their own individual life. You know plan for today, the next year, the rest of your life-knowing full well as things "age" they'll need to be replaced. Where I live, they don't think about those things, then oh we need this, this, & that-NOW. And guess who pays for ALL that now? The people who live here. I own , run my business. I've saved for those emergencies, for things that will break down, a lot of it that went back into the business when Covid hit. And it pisses me off, that the village government decided to raise our taxes so the schools-all of them could have things that were not needed immediately. This happened right before Covid. Oh then well the water system needs to be upgraded, increase water/sewer by 83% in 1 year-this was during Covid. Replace water meters, & make people pay for all those estimations that were not quite right(some had to pay 1000's in a couple months). This is a government who did not budget, like a business would. And we're all paying for it. Yes, I get the "big" businesses have those at the top that get millions, if not billions. But that is not a basic business. You probably budget for your home....that is a business model. That is what is needed. People in government who think about the things that will be needed down the road & to plan for it.
