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N8CCRG t1_j0cjvvv wrote

It appears they changed the headline. New headline: D.C. Bar counsel urges Giuliani be disbarred after panel says he likely committed ethics violation


Khaldara t1_j0cmxe6 wrote

Was Rudy present or did he mistake the venue for the municipal basketball court next to the landscapers


Coulrophiliac444 t1_j0d5se6 wrote

He apparently ranted at the panel after the initial decision, which is non binding but being sent to the DC Bar association and eventually the Court Of Appeals for official status, about how it was still rigged.

Even when they've lost it 100 times they keep thinking next one is the charm that works.


ClassiFried86 t1_j0ghrr9 wrote

And the beauty is that if that 1 out of 101 comes along, they'll pretend like they've been right 101 times, and obviously the issue is settled.


Coulrophiliac444 t1_j0hxpkr wrote

I mean...if that 1 is a big enough real situstion (i.e. the machines really did hand over 2% votes from GOP to Democrat candidates) then I could see it being legitimate in continuing to try and fail until the truth is uncovered. the old saying know they're lying when they open their mouth. They havent even had one successful challenge and several of the GOP or Republican voters have not only said they have or know how to commit fraud, they've actually been caught doing it. That mythical '1' is just that...a fucking myth.


Izzo t1_j0cycc5 wrote

He was last seen in front of Trump tower mumbling something about dildos and lawn mowers while farting loudly and smearing boogers all over his face.


rimjobnemesis t1_j0eqz9n wrote

That’s actually pretty close to the picture of him yesterday. He looked like a doddering old homeless guy.


Narrator_Ron_Howard t1_j0cponm wrote

In fact, Rudy mistook a forecast for chilly weather for his afternoons itinerary and put in an order to overturn a platter of baby back ribs. It was awkward.


Saitoh17 t1_j0dhf27 wrote

Probably though the Bar Association was a nightclub.


SimmaDownNa t1_j0clwwx wrote

Thank goodness. The words "tentatively" and "likely" weren't sitting well with me.


daniu t1_j0dw5x3 wrote

"lying about the election may have been unethical" 🤔


groveborn t1_j0e9rs8 wrote

Strictly speaking, it's a right for the general public. They had to figure out if he had that right, too.


AudibleNod t1_j0cjyte wrote

So Trump didn't pay him and now he's at risk of an ethics violation for lying for him.


RandomChurn t1_j0cm0es wrote

Such a sucker: got played.

I wonder if it's dementia? My mother was both frugal and canny all her life. So, discovering that she was getting cheated by all sorts of scams via snail mail (Publisher's Clearinghouse-type things, and way worse) came as such a shock. Lord knows how much money was lost.

Turned out to be an early sign of dementia 😣


Morat20 t1_j0d3jr8 wrote


Rudy's got all the hallmarks of that (and a reputation for hard drinking, day or night). He might be suffering some severe cogitative defects at this point.


CompleteNumpty t1_j0eahhx wrote

Could be both, Korsakoff's is an alcohol-related dementia and would fit some aspects of his personality:

"Those with Korsakoff syndrome may "confabulate," or make up, information they can't remember. They are not "lying" but may actually believe their invented explanations. Scientists don’t yet understand the mechanism by which Korsakoff syndrome may cause confabulation."


Yossarian1138 t1_j0eu8cv wrote

They might be able to figure it out quicker if they stop using words that confabulate people.


Alan_Smithee_ t1_j0fhz6j wrote

And yet Trump allegedly doesn’t drink.


CompleteNumpty t1_j0g4vbo wrote

It can also be caused by an exceptionally bad diet


McGryphon t1_j0garj7 wrote

Are you saying hamberders are not the breakfast, lunch and dinner of champions?



kingtz t1_j0ctsqo wrote

Also factor in the fact that Rudy has known Trump for decades. Surely, he of all people would be familiar with how Trump screws over his "friends" and employees and yet he thought that working for Trump was a good idea?

Then again, we're talking about Mr. Four Seasons Landscaping guy over here.


Schrecht t1_j0clt53 wrote

When are people going to stop using weasel words? "Tentatively"? "Likely"?

We all heard him utter these claims, and all read his words.

If what he did wasn't an ethics violation, the ethics rules are fucking useless.


earhere t1_j0crp0u wrote

In this case, they're using the vague wishy-washy language because the panel hasn't made a final decision yet; but they want to get a news article out without sounding concrete and final.


Schrecht t1_j0cw237 wrote

Honestly, I do understand that. But when we've all seen and heard him, and when he put so much into the public record with spurious, evidence-free filings, it looks like a slam dunk from here.


T-Bills t1_j0cyfxf wrote

It's the year 2077. Rudy has been dead for decades. A panel will finally unanimously agree after a 7-year deliberation with hundreds of witnesses and 2 million pages of testimony that it's highly probable that Rudy committed some ethically unsavory actions.

The panel has also voted in a bitterly divided fashion that further investigation by a new panel is warranted.


rimjobnemesis t1_j0es608 wrote

Have some pity, now! After all, the guy was nearly assassinated in broad daylight by a human missile to his back!! “How ya doin’, Scumbag?”


[deleted] t1_j0fwvzg wrote



CeidanDebhine t1_j0gzs40 wrote

Rich white former president? He's never going to jail 🤣

The USA is a corrupt shithole. Proven true every day that man isn't in prison for his election claims


titticut_warrendale t1_j0d3anl wrote

Remember when Hannity was pushing for him to be appointed to SCOTUS?


iAmTheHYPE- t1_j0fsw3j wrote

Remember when Hannity was one of Michael Cohen's clients, but it was never investigated?


kobachi t1_j0eop9v wrote

This will just make him double down


Peachy33 t1_j0ct4eh wrote

Rudy? Ethics violation? Not the guy who thought he was going to have sex with an underage child.


dinosaurs_quietly t1_j0dun32 wrote

Rudy is a terrible guy and a creep, but he had no indication that the actress was pretending to be a child.


Afireonthesnow t1_j0e9y5y wrote

I fucking hate Rudy and I gotta kinda agree on this one. I watched the whole movie, obviously including the Rudy bit and it was weird, he needed to be more professional, but I think blown a bit out of proportion.

  1. He was getting interviewed by who appeared to be a nervous young professional that's a little star struck. Anyone would assume this person is in their 20s . He at multiple times tried to tell her she's doing great and once tried to reassure her by squeezing her hand. Not exactly appropriate to touch someone at all but seemed like a genuine gesture that I didn't perceive as malicious.

  2. The actress led him to the bed! He wasn't like oh hey let's go back here now, he followed her then say down to remove his mic.

  3. Rudy is an old guy. My grandpa has to sit down to do most activities, his movements are awkward, he can't put on pants standing up. I can definitely see someone of Rudy's health and age struggle to maintain balance when removing a weird wire that you aren't super familiar with and just lay down to try to straighten out a shirt or prevent the wire from riding up his shirt and appear indecent.

In a normal setting I feel like it would have been an easier detachment that the staff could do for him, or the interviewer would give him some privacy to get situated and let him return to the main room once he's removed the wire that's hidden under his clothes.

Idk, maybe his intentions were malicious and he thought he could get sex from this girl. If so, screw him even more. I just didn't feel that clip was enough to justify him being some pedo. He was clearly set up to be viewed in the worst light possible.

Again, not an apologist at all. He didn't handle that situation properly but I didn't get the feeling he was trying to fuck the girl either.


thenextamerican t1_j0d5g5h wrote

His work to illegally overturn the Constitution is only likely an ethics violation says the D.C. Bar.

Lawyers of the land, is the D.C. Bar the low bar of Bars?


Novel-Jackfruit-369 t1_j0cuq4p wrote

Dang man, first it was the msm and FBI, then all Intel agencies, then the CDC, large Corps, unions, DC judges, all allied nations, republican Secretaries of state, NOW the DC Bar!? No, it's not rump, it's everyone else.


Aurion7 t1_j0dj4o1 wrote

In the 'no shit, Sherlock?' news aisle...


seanbrockest t1_j0ej3y2 wrote

How did Trump not violate any laws when he called governors and asked them to find votes?


LazeLinez t1_j0ezj5v wrote

Meanwhile these “shithole” countries like Brazil immediately prosecute their leaders if they attempt to overthrow their government. We give them book deals & re-elections.


wobbly-cheese t1_j0cmaj0 wrote

ethics violations? nah, that’s unbelievable. Rudy’s a standup guy who’ll do anything for money


fullload93 t1_j0fi172 wrote

Rudy needs to be permanently disbarred for life and be prohibited from practicing law in all 50 states.


elvenrunelord t1_j0ebiqd wrote

If he lied he lied. No "likely" about it.

I repeat, it should be a felony criminal offense with mandatory jail time and a life time ban on holding political office for lying to the people as a politician.


neko_designer t1_j0d9de1 wrote


It's amazing how much some people can get away with


Showerthawts t1_j0dfd0f wrote

"Tenatively likely...."

Holy qualifiers Batman! That MFer did that shit and in fact broadcast most of it on TV, admitting it daily.


RPL79 t1_j0e7lle wrote

Time to retire a loser like Humpty Trumpty


Doughspun1 t1_j0fuv8a wrote

Wow it must have taken Sherlock Holmes to work that out.


sllh81 t1_j0ee0zl wrote

Are they also gonna dig into that whole “Trial by combat” soundbyte?


Icy-Tooth-9167 t1_j0f4q7w wrote

Are really still on the ethics stage of any of this


JillyGeorge t1_j0hflve wrote

But we’ll always have Four Seasons Total Landscaping.