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PointOfFingers t1_j0wapfx wrote

At some point they just have to leave her in jail until she fronts court before she hurts someone or gets shot. She is a completely incompetent criminal.

>Aviles was arrested for seven burglaries in the 19th Precinct on the Upper East Side alone between Nov. 25 and Dec. 8.


spyrenx OP t1_j0wbirh wrote


>Under New York state’s bail reform laws that were implemented in 2020, burglary was a non-bailable offense.
>The woman had 27 arrests and two active bench warrants for failure to appear in court at the time of her arrest, the source said.
>“This individual is literally the poster child for everything that is wrong with the system,” the law enforcement source said.


AttackOficcr t1_j0yf6kg wrote

Non-bailable has a very different meaning than I thought it does apparently. They should have gone with "bail-less" or "released, no bail" if they are implying she didn't have to post bail, but was released.


Toadfinger t1_j0wbd95 wrote

Lawmakers need to be aware that such people likely need professional, psychiatric help.


Flynn58 t1_j0y6br4 wrote

That would require funding which would require taxes which would require voters to care about people other than themselves.


BoredLegionnaire t1_j0zit1l wrote

People don't vote for themselves when they're voting for grifters of any colour... They're not "evil", they're braindead, except for the ones making a profit, of course.


Beiki t1_j0ysu4c wrote

Ok, well she should be sitting in jail or else she'll never get the help.


IniMiney t1_j0xf87d wrote

NYC just kinda never gives enough of a shit honestly lol


WillDeletOneDay t1_j0x6qei wrote

Only a matter of time before she picks the wrong house.


DukeOfGeek t1_j0xjg9d wrote

It's NYC, very very difficult to be armed there. Also it seems she's a crazy lady who's unarmed so it's possible she will just keep doing it till she is somehow finally locked up.


ripyourlungsdave t1_j0yz37d wrote

It tends to take a lot- and I mean a lot- more to get a woman actually put in prison than it would for a man.

A fella would have gotten a 20-year sentence after the second burglary.


wenchslapper t1_j0z57qg wrote

Sounds like she’s just desperate or potentially trying to get arrested for the winter months. Winter in NY can be brutal and a prison = free room and 3 hot meals a day.
