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BostonShaun t1_j1f8nu5 wrote

It upsets me to see so many Americans angry at these deals saying its nothing but money laundering through a corrupt Ukraine.


Majority of my wife's family is still over there and she just got back from visiting after multiple flights and a final 36 hour bus ride. They send videos every day about the atrocities Russians committing: Air sirens almost every hour, electricity and water if they are lucky, friends and neighbors dying or disappearing.


imSkry t1_j1fguzk wrote

It's mostly sad, if these people really think the government is doing money laundering by exploiting the suffering and deaths of Ukrainians, then you must really think very low of your country. Or you must be some of those people who live in constant fear of conspiracies left and right.

it's a very cynic and depressing view of the world, and it's important that it doesn't become the dominant one.


Containedmultitudes t1_j1fk4xu wrote

Maybe if the United States stopped engaging in corruption by exploiting suffering and death all over the globe people would be less inclined to think that is a motivating factor in our Ukraine policy. The son of the sitting president of the United States engaged in corrupt dealings in Ukraine while his father was in charge of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy. The former president was impeached for his policy of using Ukraine as a means to tarnish his political opponents, let alone all the other corrupt dealings that were reported for his 4 years in office (with the sauds in particular). It’s an absurdity to say it’s sad that people recognize how their government regularly acts, and assuming that that is what they’re doing elsewhere. Particularly in a state that for years was ranked the most corrupt country in Europe.

And none of that’s to say I oppose military aid to Ukraine. We baited russia into invading we damn well better support them while they’re suffering that assault.


ClownholeContingency t1_j1fqnw5 wrote

>The son of the sitting president of the United States engaged in corrupt dealings in Ukraine while his father was in charge of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy.

This is a bullshit lie. Why does the Right insist on continuing to parrot such stupid nonsense? This is why the rest of us don't take you guys seriously.


Containedmultitudes t1_j1fr0ic wrote

It’s literally an uncontroversial statement of fact, so long as you recognize someone being hired to a state oil company, at a seven figure salary, with literally no experience in the field, at the same time as his father is in charge of American policy regarding that state oil company’s state, is on its face corrupt. Jon Stewart has said this shit is blatantly corrupt, you accusing him of being a right wing parrot?


ClownholeContingency t1_j1g0x15 wrote

Yes, nepotism is a thing that has existed since forever. It's not a secret that the children of the wealthy and powerful get good jobs in return for the hiring company obtaining a degree of prestige and potentially building a relationship with a powerful family. Is it frustrating that the world's not a meritocracy? Sure. But where's the actual corruption here? And where are the credible voices laying out a legal case that the Obama administration unlawfully exploited this arrangement? I hear a lot of whining from Tucker Carlson and Russian apparatchiks, but that's it. Show me some real evidence of actual corruption beyond "kid from wealthy family got a good job."

Oh, that's right, you can't, because it's just a bunch of dumb right wing bullshit.


Containedmultitudes t1_j1g24qe wrote

The fact that this kind of behavior is probably legal does not make it any less corrupt. Buying influence, even under color of law, remains corrupting. I don’t give a shit if it’s legal for Biden’s or Trump’s children to serve as open sources of what on their face appear to be bribes, it’s still corrupt as shit.

Edit: and there’s literally nothing fucking right wing about demanding elected officials not take massive monetary gifts from foreign governments via state corporations and their family members. Defending that shit is about as reactionary and fascistic as you can get. This criticism applies with 100x more force against trump than Biden, but no, everything has to be the duopoly struggle, our side can never be wrong.


ClownholeContingency t1_j1i16t7 wrote

Buying influence is literally how our capitalist system works, and let's not forget that it was a Republican supreme court majority that held that money = speech. So if you're looking to pout about money corrupting politics, you'll get no sympathy from me so long as you continue to vote for a political party that is dead set on enshrining corruption in our system.

And again, please lay out evidence of an actual corrupt scheme involving Ukraine and the Bidens beyond the same vague bullshit accusations you've presented so far.


Containedmultitudes t1_j1i1hqi wrote

Jfc have I not made it clear that I hold republicans more responsible? What the fuck have I ever said that would even begin to suggest I’d vote for the traitor party? Nothing, but anybody who disagrees with your narrative just has to be a Republican. Fuck off and merry Christmas, neolib.


jjolla888 t1_j1g6cg6 wrote

the military aid to ukraine is effectively a handout to the american war machine to manufacture more. and they dgaf how many more ukrainian soldiers are going to die by prolonging this shit, as long as the sales orders continue.


Containedmultitudes t1_j1g79ei wrote

I mean if anybody is profiting from Russia’s crime it’s arms manufacturers. And arms manufacturers have an inordinate amount of influence in US policy.


MoogTheDuck t1_j1h6ldb wrote

This is one of those unhinged-sounding comments that actually isn't all that unhinged.


Containedmultitudes t1_j1ht176 wrote

People prefer to believe fairy stories of america playing the hero rather than confront the hard reality they’ve always known has been just before their eyes.


Gb_packers973 t1_j1fr9n3 wrote

People have gripes in the parity of aid between europe and the u.s.

Is germany even trying?

Also the us has been giving lethal aid and financial aid - i think the financial aid does probably need an IG tied to it.


Gone213 t1_j1gmkxd wrote

Germany makes up for it in allowing Ukrainian refugees into the country while US makes up for it by sending weapons. It's not a competition on who helps ukraine the most, it's a relationship to help ukraine out as each country can help the best they can.


vikingmayor t1_j1hqicb wrote

The us set aside 2.5 billion dollars to relocate Ukrainian refugees to the US. Many hundreds of thousands of ukraines have returned to Ukraine.


Gone213 t1_j1hqtr0 wrote

Yes but most people would rather stay close to their country incase the war abruptly ends or they need to get back to Ukraine quickly. They'd rather stay in Germany than get on a plane with their families to the US and canada.


summonerkarl t1_j1i4wfk wrote

It’s crazy too that no one understands that this is an investment into crippling one of our largest competitors of influence for basically cheap, if Russia continues to use resources to continue this war we could eliminate them off the world stage for decades and America could focus on competing with china solely.


flaccidcolon t1_j1iemgi wrote

>It upsets me to see so many Americans angry at these deals saying its nothing but money laundering through a corrupt Ukraine.

It's because of the damn partisan party lines. I think if the Dems could make world peace happen, the Republicans would oppose it. Our two party system is broken.


macross1984 t1_j1h80ah wrote

If people complain about Ukraine being corrupt then I feel that country is much less corrupted than Russia.

Ukraine is fighting for dear life from being overrun by invading Russian troops. Allow Putin to swallow Ukraine and it will set precedent to other dictators and autocrats that it is okay to invade neighboring country.


hustlersambition9 t1_j1hn2a0 wrote

We need to do more. President Zelensky has repeatedly stated $4 billion a month in aid is needed just to keep Ukraine functioning. Mercia and Europe combined, have given less to Ukraine than what Qatar spent on the World Cup. This is unacceptable and shameful.


[deleted] t1_j1f1z40 wrote



xTralfamadorian t1_j1f7k4q wrote

Accurate username.

"I just hope we commit suicide."


weareallgonnadye t1_j1f90c4 wrote

That’s cute how you hid that, back at you, let alone not understanding sarcasm.
