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Containedmultitudes t1_j1g24qe wrote

The fact that this kind of behavior is probably legal does not make it any less corrupt. Buying influence, even under color of law, remains corrupting. I don’t give a shit if it’s legal for Biden’s or Trump’s children to serve as open sources of what on their face appear to be bribes, it’s still corrupt as shit.

Edit: and there’s literally nothing fucking right wing about demanding elected officials not take massive monetary gifts from foreign governments via state corporations and their family members. Defending that shit is about as reactionary and fascistic as you can get. This criticism applies with 100x more force against trump than Biden, but no, everything has to be the duopoly struggle, our side can never be wrong.


ClownholeContingency t1_j1i16t7 wrote

Buying influence is literally how our capitalist system works, and let's not forget that it was a Republican supreme court majority that held that money = speech. So if you're looking to pout about money corrupting politics, you'll get no sympathy from me so long as you continue to vote for a political party that is dead set on enshrining corruption in our system.

And again, please lay out evidence of an actual corrupt scheme involving Ukraine and the Bidens beyond the same vague bullshit accusations you've presented so far.


Containedmultitudes t1_j1i1hqi wrote

Jfc have I not made it clear that I hold republicans more responsible? What the fuck have I ever said that would even begin to suggest I’d vote for the traitor party? Nothing, but anybody who disagrees with your narrative just has to be a Republican. Fuck off and merry Christmas, neolib.