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mcs_987654321 t1_j1b6t4f wrote

On what analysis are you basing that 95% figure? Does it include print and tv? US markets only or other set of markets?

Because my personal impression - based on print only (mainly weeklies), US FRA and CA sources - was a solid mix of positive, neutral/bemused, and negative.

The US media environment is still a clusterfuck in the aggregate, but making random declarations like “didn’t cover X” or “only said Y” is no better than the garbage, fact free op eds pushed out in the daily papers.


RantoniFantoni t1_j1bs72h wrote

There no analysis and you cant define what is media and what isn't, or who's a journalist and no isn't. Everything is subjective.

Which is why they make a TV show Succession about the Australian white nationalist that runs the media in Australia, US, and the UK.