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TrunksTheMighty t1_izlnx8t wrote

What a sick fuck, hope this asshole burns in hell.


Elevated_Kyle t1_izrjv9u wrote

To be fair if he’s a San Bernardino he’s already in hell. But yes, once he dies let’s make sure he gets to the next hell.


Ok_Store_1983 t1_izlwnf6 wrote

This is just fucking sad. Imagine your dog all excited to go somewhere in the car with their buddy, only to get dumped out and ran over by the person they trust amd love the most. I wish there were harsher punishments for this shit. If you can do that to an animal you are supposed to love and protect and care for, i'm convinced you aren't too far off from being capable of doing this to your child.


zuuzuu t1_izm4dq2 wrote

When I was in 7th grade, a dog followed me home from school. He was malnourished and just in rough shape, but sweet and goofy and just so loveable. My parents said I had to try to find his owners, so I did. Someone recognized him and told me his people didn't want him, so they took him to the park and drove away. That broke my heart. My parents, too.

We spent the next 18 years making sure he knew he was wanted and loved and the Best Dog Ever. 24 years later, I still have a huge picture of him on the wall, and miss him every day.


enokidake t1_izmaswu wrote


techleopard t1_izmfbjl wrote

Just certain types of abuse, sadly. Lots of boxes to check before charges can be brought.


Starlightriddlex t1_izmvn8w wrote

Honestly, I bet it was his kids or partners dog. Perpetrators of domestic abuse often take it out on the pets and use the threat of something happening to the pet to control their victims.


HolyMolyitsMichael t1_izoge6v wrote

There is a pretty harrowing video of a dad doing just that to his daughters dog. He is yelling at the girl pretty bad, dog obviously gets upset starts barking, dad hits dog, scares girl more she screams, dog goes into fucked around now you gonna find out mode lunges at the dad, dad threaten girl that he is going to kill her dog, she begs him not to. That dog was more of a caring parent than that dad probably ever was.


Starlightriddlex t1_izowvs1 wrote

Yep, I speak from experience. My own father used to dangle my little dog over the balcony and threaten to throw her off when he would argue with my mother.


techleopard t1_izmf81y wrote

This is honestly just the tip of the iceberg. This person was dumb enough to do it anywhere there would be cameras, but so much worse goes on in the woods or behind homes away from the road.

There is an entire population of people who just don't see animals as anything more than meat objects -- no more feeling than a remote-controlled robot dinosaur.

It's infuriating that when this stuff is discovered, it barely gets a slap on the wrist. It NEEDS to be treated like the symptom of sociopathy that it is.


twobitcopper t1_izoskff wrote

As my granny would say, there is a special place in hell for people like this. She is so right!


PlayHumankind t1_izq8vis wrote

This makes me cry so much, I can't imagine anything happening to my dog and reading this comment made me cry, it's sick what this person did, I am holding my dog right now


Chemical-Station-740 OP t1_izln2gy wrote

Anyone with information about the case is asked to call Detective Wendi Beaton of the sheriff's Central Station at (909) 387-3545.


party_benson t1_izlumte wrote

The dog did not survive. You can surrender a dog. No need to intentionally kill it.


New_Independent_9221 t1_izlwixa wrote

exactly. will never understand people who abandon dogs. if you can’t take care of your dog, you dont have to. drop it off at a shelter and leave.


ackinsocraycray t1_iznfm64 wrote

There's a small dog park not too far from our house. Not sure how long this has been going on but it's slowly becoming a place for abandoned dogs. And this park is sandwiched between a fire station and apartments and homes.

While it sucks that the people leaving their dogs aren't caught in the act, there are nice people who put out notices about the lost dog or take the dog themselves to the animal shelter (after no one claims the dog) on the Next Door app. As far as I know, there's never been a case where the lost dog is stuck in that park for too long.

Still, it's really sad that people are quietly abandoning their dogs here at this particular park.


Galemianah t1_izlz10z wrote

What the fuck...I hope karma gets this fucking piece of shit.


NoodlesrTuff1256 t1_izmn15m wrote

Hope he gets named, shamed, arrested, a mug shot taken of him and then he gets fired from whatever job he has.


moltenroks2 t1_izlxwzr wrote

But that costs money. Running it over is free! /s


Fawners t1_izlt4as wrote

Upvoting for awareness. This post makes me sad :( And angry.


Tidusblitz111 t1_izm35v9 wrote

Holy shit they show the actual video and it is heartbreaking. That dog is so happy to be out having fun with its owner.

You shouldn't really ever wish harm to another person.

That being said, I hope the absolute worst for this sack of shit. I hope life beats him the fuck down and breaks him. I hope the actual literal worst things possible happen to him. I hope he never has another second of joy in the rest of his miserable life.


tronaldmcdump t1_izul1ie wrote

>You shouldn't really ever wish harm to another person.
>That being said, I hope the absolute worst for this sack of shit.

This is exactly the kind of situation you should wish harm on others. Fuck em.


ToyDingo t1_izmda6l wrote

Nope not clicking that link.

I'd rather take my dog for a walk instead and pretend people like this guy don't actually exist in our world.

My heart can't take that.


swellco t1_izpfzbh wrote

Same. I didn’t even bother watching. Sadly humans treat other humans like this too.


[deleted] t1_izly23u wrote



funwhileitlast3d t1_izm66qs wrote

It’s proven sociopathic behavior. Important to identify when you see kids who act this way


NoodlesrTuff1256 t1_izmn3di wrote

Jeffrey Dahmer started with animals and so did a lot of other notorious killers.


Mahameghabahana t1_izn0ddq wrote

Hitler? Like i have always heard this but i don't believe it. A baby of migrant worker was brutally eaten by pack of strays in an apartment complex in India. When they went there to catch those dog those dog lovers didn't let them and said the it was the baby's and his working mother fault. I have seen similar comments by pet lovers in many dog attack situation. Like an old mother was killed by a dog in Noida, india and i kid you not, all comments were feeling sorry for the dog and wanted it free. I haven't seen a single comment feeling sorry for that old lady. I have a fear of dog and now feel more scared of dog lovers.


swellco t1_izpfnhe wrote

I don’t know shit about what happens in India. This was here in the USA. There are ways to humanly dispose of problem dogs. To fucking run over it is barbaric. Seems like your one of the ones to be leary of.


dgroach27 t1_izlxibp wrote

Nope, can’t watch it. I’m literally sitting in the car with my dog.

He should get a taste of his own medicine….in Minecraft


Affectionate_Guava87 t1_izm77wn wrote

My heart was pounding watching it. They stopped it just in time, but even with that, it was a tough watch. Saying what this man deserves will get me banned...


TerrysClavicle t1_izn31m2 wrote

Same… that “person” getting immediately physically destroyed would be too too friendly of a description for what he actually deserves. They’ll get him. That rust bucket won’t be hard to track


PuellaBona t1_izmeq7t wrote

I'm not clicking that link, but I will say, it's probably a good thing I don't live near this guy.


[deleted] t1_izlx6a2 wrote



xDanSolo t1_izlxig9 wrote

My thoughts exactly. Shouldn't be too hard to find him so long as authorities don't forget, and keep an eye out. This sack of shit needs to pay for this.


colossalboom t1_izluleu wrote

I hope they catch that heartless bastard


misterlakatos t1_izm7kpf wrote

Anyone that commits such cruel and sick acts deserves to become zoo food. Fuck that POS.


unhallowed1014 t1_izmdbxq wrote

I won’t watch the video, but I do know a fitting punishment for this pos.. not sure who has seen jackass forever, but basically rig the guy up like Chris pontius in the intro and use his truck to repeatedly run over the bits sticking out


no-cars-go t1_izn3dl9 wrote

The lack of empathy and basic compassion it takes to do this to an animal that trusts you unconditionally is shocking. This person is vile. I don't even know what to say.


hawley088 t1_iznc2wb wrote

Im gonna go out on a limb here and say this dog didn't live the most happy life if his owner would do this to him.


scrivensB t1_izneof2 wrote


Find this absolute POS fuck.


HolyMolyitsMichael t1_izoh4wi wrote

I live in the SBC I completely agree, probably won't be long before this piece of shit is found. Might take a min though SBC is the largest county in the US.


macross1984 t1_izn2qk5 wrote

Disgusting! Accidentally killing an animal is bad enough but deliberately killing? That kind of person is dangerous in that he may graduate to killing more than an animal. Hope the police catch him and throw him in jail.


alrighty66 t1_izncbrc wrote

Should have the same thing done to them when found


ZootedFlaybish t1_izpku1e wrote

This is who the death penalty is for…


jetbag513 t1_izpxx2b wrote

One step away from serial killer IMO.


mysquishyface t1_iznlglx wrote

That insensitive Fucker piece of shit!

We need to come together!! Justice for the dog!!


dullgreybathmat t1_izpgvyk wrote

In my world. People like this are locked in pillories, forever.


[deleted] t1_izmdkwr wrote



necesitafresita t1_izmni3m wrote

I'm vegan and this is a really dumb thing to say. Get over yourself.


zombiegojaejin t1_izmuf6t wrote

I doubt you are, since you have hundreds of comments on human issues (with a few pet issues) but apparently none on animal ag.

But if you are, then you need to get over yourself, pick-me. Veganism isn't about us or our need for approval. It isn't "extra credit" after we're done with all the caring about humans and pets. It's about the suffering of victims, vastly greater in scope than the suffering of this one dog. And there will be people here who don't respond, but who finally get the message.


necesitafresita t1_iznsmjd wrote

I am, have been for years and was vegetarian even longer. Difference is I don't make it my personality. Which you obviously do. And if your idea of making a difference is only online presence then there's your problem.


zombiegojaejin t1_izo3zwi wrote

Why would you think my presence is only online?

If it were 1840 and you you were anti-slavery, would you not "make it your personality"? If not, would you insult the people who did? Judging from your Reddit history, you seem to make human justice issues a pretty big part of your personality. So why not the billions of annual nonhuman victims?


pidray t1_izmesem wrote

Let me use this thread about a guy killing dogs just to get rid of them, not to eat them, to push my agenda down everyones throat, for i am a smart and good person.


zombiegojaejin t1_izmf2gr wrote

Let me inflict torture upon beings with just as many feelings as this dog, for reasons just as selfish as the guy in the pickup, and unleash anger on him so that I don't have to do anything against animal cruelty myself, even though I easily could.


StrawberryLemonMoon t1_izmexie wrote

"Damn, I know exactly what to say to make people not flock to my cause."


zombiegojaejin t1_izmfdpj wrote

I know what made me change at the age of 40, as well as many other people I know.

It was being told the truth.

If you pay for enslavement, mutilation and torture, for completely unnecessary taste preference, you're doing something in the same moral category as the guy in the pickup.

Telling me that that point doesn't work on you, simply means that right now I'm speaking to other people. Not quite speaking to you... yet.


JGyllenhaals t1_izmjbwp wrote

You're doing the same thing with technology instead of meat. You're human and equally hypocritical. You don't get a free pass.


zombiegojaejin t1_izmk41b wrote

Are you avoiding that technology? Or using it too, and also eating the corpses of tortured sentient beings?

By your reasoning here, isn't the guy in the video no worse than you or me? Why are we on a thread expressing outrage at him? If it's either 100% purity or nothing, why do so many people want to lock him up and throw away the key? He's just like us.

You're right that no one can be alive and be perfect. My point is about the relative size of harms. What many people eat every day causes much more horrible suffering than this guy caused to one dog, and the reasons people give for doing it are also really weak.


JGyllenhaals t1_izneh2e wrote

I'm not ruling out my own hypocrisy as I'm also human. Just don't flaunt yourself as someone better than non vegans when you're also guilty of what you spew. You're not better, you've just made a different choice in life where you belive you've made an impact. Grats.


storms_y t1_izmv1ks wrote

Advocates love this one simple trick to turn people away from veganism while stroking themselves!


PuellaBona t1_izmfxt8 wrote

For every vegan that tries to shame me for eating meat, I go out and buy a big 24 oz porterhouse to share with my dogs. I don't even like steak.


zombiegojaejin t1_izmgb98 wrote

Sure you do.

Just like you probably respond to every thread of people angry at a guy running over a dog by running over two dogs.

I'll eat an extra soy curl al pastor taco for you. :-)


PuellaBona t1_izmnjtz wrote

Well, that doesn't make any sense.

And you go enjoy your pineapple flavored soy curls 🤣


zombiegojaejin t1_izmu8xy wrote

And you enjoy knowing that you support animal cruelty that's vastly worse than the guy in the video you came on here to hate on. And this will be your moral legacy, which your great-grandchildren will judge you for. Unless you figure it out in time, which (In the spirit of Christmas) I hope you do. <3


PuellaBona t1_izohy4j wrote

Nah, pretty sure my great grandchildren won't be vegans.
