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FapMeNot_Alt t1_j1wfdpa wrote

>“The current border crisis is not a COVID crisis,” Gorsuch wrote. “And courts should not be in the business of perpetuating administrative edicts designed for one emergency only because elected officials have failed to address a different emergency. We are a court of law, not policymakers of last resort.”

Ketanji Brown Jackson, in one of her first decisions as a SCOTUS Justice, signed onto Gorsuch's objection. The other two non-far right Justices, Sotomayor and Kagan, opposed without comment.

This is interesting from KBJ, IMO. I personally am a strong supporter of the Living Constitution theory, but her signing onto Gorsuch's dissent here makes it appear as if she is less firm on it than I would like.

Naturally the standard chorus of chucklefucks has no reasoning behind their motion. Of the 3 page decision, 2 pages are comprised of Gorsuch explaining exactly why this is a bullshit order, then accusing the chucklefucks of legislating from the bench.

The states do not have standing to compel the federal government to argue harder in court (whatever the fuck they think the feds could say to make keeping an emergency order permanently is another story), nor is there a reasonable argument that the Circuit Court does not have the authority to rule such orders unconstitutional.

This stay is a gift to Republicans, and an embarrassment for the court.


vpi6 t1_j1wqh57 wrote

From that snippet, I don’t think Gorsuch’s objection or arguments to keep title 42 has much to do with Living Constitution theory. I’m also a bit more sympathetic to Gorsuch’s objection here just from a good governance standpoint.


FapMeNot_Alt t1_j1x47a4 wrote

His argument is framed from a textualist POV. Looking at the constitution, and law in general, from that framing is troubling for a constructivist such as myself. Not as bad as originalism, but it is still troubling that KBJ signed onto it, and IMO is a message that she will avoid rocking the boat.

I ultimately agree with Gorsuch, don't get me wrong. However, I dislike the avenues he took to arrive at our shared conclusion.
