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dudeinred69 t1_j2ad51b wrote

Ultimately media freedom is necessary to actually allow the people to express their will

I wouldn’t be too confident about him winning support in the next election, especially if some other candidate proposes a peace treaty that stops all the death and misery

This new law favours him massively and it is not a democratic thing


ChocoboRaider t1_j2aue6n wrote

If you think Ukrainians will vote for someone willing to kowtow to the Kremlin, I’ve got news for ya buddy.


fartalldaylong t1_j2ayp1h wrote

The laws in the previous government were flat out authoritarian. This is nothing more than creating laws to protect against insurgence and misinformation from Russia...which I am sure you are well aware.

Tell me about the media laws in Russia and the freedom of the press there...go on...