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redander t1_j17yws8 wrote

r/troubledteens these places are abusive and honestly need way more regulation.

Edit: here is an article from November. A lot of these places need to close


Madhavaz t1_j192f25 wrote

You're absolutely right. I had no idea until (I can't believe I'm saying this) Paris Hilton talked about what she went through. Truly horrifying.


Archmage_of_Detroit t1_j197nu9 wrote

Yep. Paris Hilton isn't some dumb bimbo - that was a VERY carefully manufactured image she used to escape her controlling family. They had a lot of money and very good lawyers, and she knew they could send her back to the abuse ranch at any time, so she cozied up to paparazzis, tabloids, and D-list celebrities. She fabricated an entire lifestyle as a socialite to make sure she had a camera on her at all times so that if she disappeared, it would make national news.

Edit: Also, these so-called "treatment centers" are often used to target gay kids or those who try to leave oppressive religions. They should be re-branded as conversion centers.


[deleted] t1_j19n77n wrote

I never knew that about her, definitely changes my opinion


[deleted] t1_j1a4iby wrote

She has a documentary on youtube. It's pretty interesting. You can watch her get anxious/triggered and then the baby voice kicks in.

She's coping.


big-bootyjewdy t1_j19wnqf wrote

This is brilliant. I'm so sorry for her, that she had to endure that and had to put her entire life out there for protection in visibility. I don't know much about her personally, but her testimony to congress was very well done and her activism against these centers has made me respect her so much.