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N8CCRG t1_j1dabye wrote

The one small complaint I have is I think they weight the actual attack too heavily. And I get it, that's the part that's easiest to get the most people to comprehend, but it's not the most important aspect of the whole story. The actual story is the months' long work commited by a whole team of conspirators to try to find a way to over turn the election. Including getting people to swear and submit as fake electors and the attempt to use the chaos of January 6th to get those fake electors to replace the actual electors.

The attack on January 6th wasn't the problem, it was the finish line.


echoshizzle t1_j1di8at wrote

I agree with this. I don’t know that the committee made it clear enough for average people to understand this. Then again, I’m convinced most of this country doesn’t care and just wants to watch the masked singer instead.