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[deleted] t1_j21ckgn wrote



irwinlegends t1_j21dgyq wrote

She didn't report or post about it, the hospital did.


Ascian5 t1_j21gd9n wrote

Except in this case, there was a major tragedy associated with her that she's seeking to turn into a positive. Think a little more, neckbeard a little less. 1000+ gifts, each year, over years. There's nothing wrong here, nor did she promote it.

But please, I invite you to violate your own rules and let us know how real you've been.


tetoffens t1_j21g5to wrote

Maybe to charity in general but I kinda feel like to little kids knowing a big celebrity I liked bought presents for me would make it mean a lot more. Trying to think who I liked when I was these kids age but a gift in general and the same gift from a big celebrity? The one from the celebrity would have made me a lot happier.


Sirus_the_Cat t1_j21dp8h wrote

This is the correct way


timsterri t1_j21lxln wrote

Then tell me exactly what she didn’t do correctly here. Why is her charity not up to your “standards”?