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BansheeGator2 t1_j1euzp8 wrote

If they want their value of the legal system to stay intact, then they would need to do something for sure.


Eswyft t1_j1famej wrote

What value?


A1sauc3d t1_j1ffq24 wrote

Lmao, right. I’m sure Putin will get a hefty fine and be doing prison time for this one ^/s


BansheeGator2 t1_j1g5ekq wrote

Probably not, but that will leave a ripple effect with the Russian people.


JustAPerspective t1_j1fjr9z wrote

It's not like Russian credibility or integrity can go much further down.

This is just the last brittle bit of facade clinging to the wall for the illusion.


BansheeGator2 t1_j1fto1k wrote

>It's not like Russian credibility or integrity can go much further down

In our eyes for sure. In the local civilians eyes that will make an impact. There's some expectation that their leaders still follow the rules of their country. Those leaders probably make massive wiggle rooms for themselves in those laws, but they still follow it within the scope.

In this case, it's clear cut even Putin himself violated his own law, so it begs the question on how willing their govt would be to enforce his own laws.


JustAPerspective t1_j1gj7lc wrote

If their enforcement echoes that of the U.S., it won't happen at all. Which, think is to your point, the system can't sustain that particular choice right now?


BansheeGator2 t1_j1h49o9 wrote

Good chance it won't, but that lack of enforcing laws at the leadership level, even in Russia, creates additional resentment in top of what's already in place at the local level.

If you think rural areas want to revolt against Russia now for decimating their local populations, I would be curious to see how they respond when Putin violates his own laws on state TV and gets little repercussions as a result.


JustAPerspective t1_j1iz71c wrote

>Good chance it won't, but that lack of enforcing laws at the leadership level, even in Russia, creates additional resentment in top of what's already in place at the local level.

Completely agree.

Laws are just rules; rules that aren't enforced are meaningless.

And rules are also the only thing that gives leaders any power; if they don't follow the rules, no one should (following their example) and if people all stopped playing by the rules... anarchy.