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auntieup t1_izvbnnc wrote

That is what you are saying. And you’re making kind of a mess of saying it, lmao.


kickass236 t1_izvcgcd wrote

Ah yes making a mess of saying that 21 nationalities where involved it happend in Scotland the original person was charged and jailed under scots law so in fact this person too should be being held to account in the uk under scots law this was the biggest terror attack to happen on british soil where the fuck does it involve american soil planes are not sovereign soil. But airspace above Scotland and the houses it crashed into where in Scotland thats all sovereign soil. If one of the attackers was charged tried and found guilty under scots law so should the other


auntieup t1_izvjisk wrote

LMAO. (cracks knuckles)

The bomb had been assembled in Libya, likely packed into a suitcase in Malta, loaded onto a flight in Germany, and finally planted aboard its destination flight on an American carrier in London. After negotiations with Nelson Mandela and the United Nations, Scottish authorities were placed in charge of the trial of the first two suspects, which was held in the Netherlands. And Scotland did incarcerate the one convicted terrorist until they released him on medical grounds 8 years later. They shouldn’t have done that, but they did. He died 4 years later.

So yes, we tried the collective approach. It failed. This is a murder investigation and the majority of people who were murdered were Americans. We have your uncle in custody and we’re going to try him. If you’re mad about that, you should have told him not to confess to building the bomb a decade ago, lol.

You don’t have to like it. In fact I’m kind of happy about how upset you are.

Merry Christmas.


kickass236 t1_izvnk4i wrote

Yeah not upset just don't understand how it gets tried in america when it happend it scotland lol. And yeah totally agree we shouldn't have let him leave but don't think anyone on Scotland expect our government at the time did or does. Merry Christmas