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chrisdurand t1_j6cf7sp wrote

Tldr: Erdogan is up for re-election this year and he's posturing. Same reason he's pulling these stunts with Finland and Sweden with NATO.


ObliviousAstroturfer t1_j6coaee wrote

Four months to go.
This week it'll be invading Greece I think, although they haven't tried slinging some shit at Germany lately, probably didn't want all the Leo crowd cramping their style.

I've got to admit, didn't expect Erdygerdy to come up with fresh material.


justforthearticles20 t1_j6doy4c wrote

In 3 months his corrupt pet judges will rule that his closest opponent(s) are ineligible to run, and if he still loses, will declare it Coup #739 and refuse to leave office.


ControlledSingular t1_j6ja04p wrote

Nah face reality. Rural idiots love strongmen everywhere. You see it in every democratic country.