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thatnameagain t1_j65gk6b wrote

I agree with the spirit of your comment but I think the details here are really important.

Firstly, it's not rich people who need to be in favor of it (they never will) it's regular people. In the U.S. 80-90% of votes in primary elections go to Republicans or centrist democrats, and until that changes we won't see policies that don't reflect the far right or the center. If we want UBI, we need to vote for it and that means in primary elections since thats where you'll find the candidates who support it.

Secondly, UBI is actually not a good solution in itself to automation because it will create a wealth gap in society that makes the growing one we have today seem tiny in comparison. Why? Because corporations / the 001% will own all the robots and make ALL the money, and then UBI is what filters out to regular people in an economy with minimal upward mobility. So we either need a solution that is based around increasing career upward mobility for most people, or we need to go full socialist and make all corporations publicly owned and all the income publicly distributed.