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Bottom_Wobbles t1_j2u9r6f wrote

For…providing health care? Seems many on the board need their licenses revoked.


EvlMinion t1_j2ubfe0 wrote

Start with Rokita. Yeah, he's not on the board, but he needs to get punted.


[deleted] t1_j2ukikq wrote



[deleted] t1_j2ul70n wrote



denandrefyren t1_j2un5tu wrote

Just so I understand your position, you see no issue whatso ever with a doctor, in a public oped, disclosing details of a specific medical case?


[deleted] t1_j2unvaw wrote



[deleted] t1_j2uo4k9 wrote



[deleted] t1_j2up1m9 wrote



[deleted] t1_j2uq4bu wrote



ScottEATF t1_j2uqmic wrote

Why are you asserting that there is no public need to disclose information about this case?

This is the real world impact of recently passed legislation that dramatically impacts the public.


denandrefyren t1_j2urjof wrote

Well we can start with the fact that most of the information the doctor was given in this case, which she then released to the public was incorrect. Then we can talk about how further restriction of information could have protected the patient. Why disclose age? Why disclose race? In this case the doctor saw a way to use the details of their patients case to score political points. Details that upon investigation turned out to be false. She rushed to use her patient's suffering to further her political agenda using false information. To think that is a perfectly fine thing to do? No. Nope. No.


[deleted] t1_j2v0mg0 wrote



[deleted] t1_j2v0s2z wrote



[deleted] t1_j2v4ekr wrote



[deleted] t1_j2v5zkr wrote



[deleted] t1_j2v7iyg wrote



denandrefyren t1_j2v89go wrote

The Indiana state AG stated that there was nothing in the law that would have prevented services being conducted in Indiana. The mother made no attempt to get services because she was attempting to cover up for her boyfriend, who after the doctor published the article went on the run and was later captured. I love how the idea of "don't publish the details of your patient's cases in a newspaper oped" somehow means we can't do medical research anymore, and this isn't about a violation of HIPAA law it's a question of "is it ethical to punish the details of a patient's case jeopardizing a child welfare investigation, in order to score political points?".


[deleted] t1_j2vams7 wrote



[deleted] t1_j2ve9e9 wrote



LizziHenri t1_j2y84g0 wrote

You just can't stand that a 10 year old wasn't forced to carry her rapist's baby to term? You want to punish the frontline workers who are seeing the true victims of these bullshit restrictions on our healthcare and who dare to speak out about it?

Why does it matter that she was 10 you asked? It matters because in her home state, under the current draconian laws pushed by the right, she'd be forced to carry that baby to her mental and physical detriment. Keeping her from school, leaching her bones of calcium--she's not even grown. Do you even know what pregnancy does to a fully grown woman's body?

This is the reality that people like you wanted and you should have to fucking read about it in the news.


CastInSteel t1_j2z2keo wrote

You need to relearn how to identify patient information versus general case study information.


davidwb45133 t1_j2unehe wrote

Never underestimate the hypocrisy of a ‘Christian’. Or as a good friend of mine once said, “If they have to tell you they are Christians they probably ain’t.” He was a preacher.


Narrator-to-gods t1_j2vc9gi wrote

It’s examples like this that showcase America to the world in a very poor light. It’s one thing to have a snafu on the law books or something antiquated that pops up but to have a member of their justice system acting like a personal new age Spanish Inquisition is not only bizarre in todays age, it keeps proving why other countries carry concern about Americas future.


mcs_987654321 t1_j2uxhtv wrote

Anyone have a link to any to Indiana’s licensing board complaints (if that’s even public?).

Bc if the allegation is in regards to the dr’s alleged violation of patient confidentiality, then this seems like baseless and vindictive nonsense.

Anonymizing such that age and home state are the only personal details are conveyed is less detail than you’d find in a published case report.


Gayguymike t1_j2ueu0c wrote

Only in America where abortion is illegal country going to shit


BarCompetitive7220 t1_j2x63la wrote

Child being raped is somehow supported by Indiana law makers?


Fuzilumpkinz t1_j2xq53c wrote

I don’t know why you are shocked. I keep voting against these idiots but there’s too many good old boy farmers voting against themselves.


angelzpanik t1_j2vwsc9 wrote

Honestly, I bet if she were a man, they wld have let this go. I'm not being misandric either, this is Indiana. It's fucking normal and I hate it here.


billpalto t1_j2wxiyz wrote

It violates someone's religion if a 10-year old rape victim gets an abortion? Their God says the child must be forced to have the baby?

Pretty pathetic God if you ask me.