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ArrrGaming t1_j57jnqj wrote

Can companies knock this shit off for a few months? I don't want to hear about, "We overhired during the pandemic" <-- newsflash, pandemic is still around.


[deleted] t1_j58uvrz wrote



brianw824 t1_j5944r0 wrote

Generally, they will have a big team of financial experts that make forward-looking projections of revenue and costs.


Twisted_Cabbage t1_j5b2o3p wrote

But we all must understand, the groupthink in these orgs is massive. My wife is a VP at a mid sized corporation and her biggest headache is the group think coming from all the Ivy Leagers. This cannot be understated.


blahbleh112233 t1_j5c7pze wrote

Yeah, but the blunt answer in the post huffington/breitbart era is that people will read anything, regardless of quality. That makes writing staff and pet projects vulnerable.


Jet90 t1_j59wlb4 wrote

>In response, the Vox Media Union, which organized with the Writers Guild of America, East, fired back at the publisher, saying that members of the workforce had already undergone prior layoffs and had spent “three years of working in tough conditions.”
“Our committee spent Friday morning hearing from members of the Vox Media Union as they waited for emails to let them know if they would still have a job. We are coming off of three years of working in tough conditions — through a pandemic with limited resources — and the way our colleagues were treated today is unconscionable. These cuts come after multiple rounds of layoffs in 2022, in which we lost many valued colleagues. We are furious at how this will impact our colleagues who have lost their jobs and remain concerned about the long-term morale of those who remain.
“We are committed to fighting for those who were affected by these layoffs, and holding management accountable for their actions. We won strong severance in our contract, and we are working as a union to further protect our impacted colleagues.
“Cyclical layoffs hurt our brands, hurt our business prospects, hurt our credibility, hurt our values, and hurt our people. Our union knows the greatest asset of Vox Media is its workers. We are grateful for our Vox Media Union, organized with the Writers Guild of America, East,” the union said in a statement.


Twisted_Cabbage t1_j5ac2wl wrote

Ohhh, corporate Dem enablers showing their true colors.


Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_j587mu0 wrote

Gotta choose between high employment and advanced technology. Can't have both.


BlkSunshineRdriguez t1_j563096 wrote

I hope they can survive. I really like Vox.


Bobrobot1 t1_j57zu2j wrote

Their response to the Verge PC Build was so awful that I still refuse to watch them.


HeavensCriedBlood t1_j591i3s wrote

After they tried to abuse the DMCA system for their own benefit, fuck Vox.

Just another corporation putting their own selfish selves before any principles.


MilkyBlue t1_j56x8gp wrote

Me too, Today Explained is amazing and The Gray Area is just starting to hit it's stride. In theory, 7% wouldn't be a crushing loss of personnel, but it sucks for them all the same :/


RudigherJones t1_j565ol8 wrote

I don't like it when people lose their jobs, but Vox sucks. They are horribly biased.


unforgiven91 t1_j57kqti wrote

not really? allsides puts them one the lower side of pure leftism. hardly "horribly biased". it shares a similar rating to MSNBC or Fox news (on the opposite end)

biased, yes.


HeavensCriedBlood t1_j591o57 wrote

Uhh any company that abuses the DMCA system and then comes up with dogshit excuses for why they did what they did to small youtube channels is the very definition of biased.

And before you jump to assumptions, these were not right-wing channels either. In fact, one of them is pretty left-wing.


unforgiven91 t1_j5956hn wrote

but that's not what biased is... that's just scummy. lol

words have definitions, I like to adhere to them.