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CedarWolf t1_j30sne1 wrote

> have back up plans

I've always been fascinated by the ways people hid and modified their homes to hide stuff, either their families' possessions or their family members themselves.

But considering actually adding such hideaways onto my actual home feels insane. And what am I going to keep in there? Pokemon cards?


phrostbyt t1_j31nrbn wrote

passport, social security card, birth certificate, handgun, ammo, and a letter from your Rabbi


doubleshortbreve t1_j32mnhd wrote

Some kind of formal certificate signed by a rabbi showing participation in a lifecycle event is great to have as well. If you are a Jew by choice or have one in your fam, be sure your conversion certificate is signed by at least one rabbi who has had conversions accepted in Israel, although they are finally getting better about this. Also the kids! Bnai Mitzvah certs, brit milah/brit bat certificates, whatever is available to you. Keep in one place that you can stick in a suitcase fast. Hard copies of all of your prescriptions, and backup supply. If you can? Burner phone. - with love to my fam from your internet bubbie