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unforgiven91 t1_j57ay5t wrote

I can't wait for the whole world to be tied in to the blockchain, having that chain be immutably broken and exploited then forked in to a new blockchain because wealthy investors lost money. Now we live in a reality where 2 similar chains exist and neither chain can identify what's real.

Definitely a system I look forward to existing, and definitely not the worst idea I've ever heard


BagHolder9001 t1_j57kyzg wrote

we don't need the whole world to run on it just things that make sense (transparency) like transactions and eliminate hundredths of bankers across the world


unforgiven91 t1_j57l9yl wrote

that mandates regulation, though.

effectively, it'll just become the banks we currently have but more vulnerable to attacks and doxxing


BagHolder9001 t1_j57lw0h wrote

huh looking and bs going on at US bank right now, all the hacks at insurance companies ( blue cross blue shield) credit companies lost a lot of info ( Equifax?) target and home Depot got hacked...I don't think we are any less vulnerable via blockchain actually exponentially MORE secure