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Halogen12 t1_j4sjpis wrote

That poor child. May she rest in peace and may her abusers rot in jail forever.


IBAZERKERI t1_j4stxqc wrote

the most absolutely pathetic thing you can do as a grown ass man is lay hands on a child.

i hope this peice of human garbage gets stuck in a dark hole and never see's the light of day again.


Caymonki t1_j4ta3j0 wrote

As any gender*

Anyone who hits people/animals especially smaller weaker ones is a piece of shit.


actualoldcpo t1_j4snmq3 wrote

How does a person become that evil?


thejoeface t1_j4tgc1r wrote

Usually? Head injuries and/or being abused as a child themself.


Wide_Frosting7951 t1_j4vtcv7 wrote

2% Of people are psychopaths and sociopath. That's 160 million in the world. We are surrounded by killers.


InfoSuperHiway t1_j4sq706 wrote

Man, I wish I had not read that article.


Aromatic-Elephant110 t1_j4vaqtm wrote

I've been kind of following it without reading too many details, myself. I already know how dark things get.


legalsequel t1_j4tv76v wrote

He beat her at midnight. Why wasn’t she sleeping soundly in bed? What could she possibly have done to provoke him to beat her that badly? At all? A tiny child. Breaks my heart.


Anakin_Skywanker t1_j4vjs4o wrote

On fucking Christmas too. That poor girl was probably buzzing with excitement and he fucking brutalized her.

Fuck. I was having such a good day and now I'm pissed off and depressed. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to read that article.


sweet_crab t1_j4xl7dr wrote

My son was in my class before he was my son. I remember him going home for winter break every year. Everyone all excited for the break, being away from school, the presents they'd get. My kid always stayed a little longer after school than most before breaks. I wish I'd known what was happening to him earlier, but I'm fiercely glad he's ours now.


legalsequel t1_j4xmhay wrote

Amazing. I teach kinder. I look at my class and hope none are victims, but know it’s likely many are.


Positive_Type t1_j4vfcw1 wrote

I'm not religious but it's crimes like this that make me wish that children could get a second chance at life. Situations like this make me wish for it with everything in me. 4 years of life, and this was the end? It is so much more than unfair. Worse than tragic. Everyone failed her.


robexib t1_j4vroqt wrote

How absolutely weak and filled with garbage do you have to be to literally beat a four-year-old to death?


ArmadilloDays t1_j4u2kkg wrote

Sometimes, the death penalty isn’t so bad.


charleybrown72 t1_j4u759h wrote

Hi. Has anyone figured out or can link an article about the bio mom and how they ended up with the kids?


Large-Engineering247 t1_j57rqqj wrote

I normally don’t wish bad on someone.But this time I will. I hope the lifers will get ahold of him. And beat him down worse then he did to that baby. The prisoners know who’s coming in. To join them. So until the good lord sends. Him to hell. He will have he’ll on earth.