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JunahCg t1_j5j68is wrote

Is India particularly big on censorship? Or has Modi turned it that way? I have no context here, but I don't think of it as one if the especially tightly censored places. I don't have the sight lines to know if this is exceptional or business as usual in Modi's India.


huge_throbbing_pp OP t1_j5ja149 wrote

Previous governments did censor a lot, especially in the 70s and 80s. It appears to make a comeback under modi. For example, Indira Gandhi (world’s first female dictator) banned BBC.


SloaneWolfe t1_j5jsf2c wrote

Yes, India media/internet is fairly censored for a 'democratic' nation. Described as "partly free" by watchdog reports. When I lived and worked there during the pandemic, I kept running into blocked sites while seeking web security solutions for the business I worked for, it was ironic. All 'adult' material is banned, news media is heavily monitored by gov't officials who influence what gets published.