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neoikon t1_j35a34v wrote

Thanks for the reply! My first try was a cookie... the ol' "it's not working, better eat more. Oops, I might die?" experience.

And the second time was in a honey, which I think had low amounts of THC, but still hit me too hard and had too many feels.

Perhaps too much is my problem. Wish I could experiment more, but damn backward State makes options low.


OrPerhapsFuckThat t1_j35qsus wrote

Starting with edibles was the issue. Edibles generally hit harder than smoking. Have a hit or two instead and you’ll be better able to manage the high when starting out.


Siliskk t1_j35x8pe wrote

I recommend low dose thc + cbd gummies. 10mg would do the trick assuming your not an avid user already


DirkBabypunch t1_j369a1b wrote

I've had similar experience, and the only time I really felt anything was followed by really bad spins and every bit of anxiety I hadn't felt during coming back from break at the same time. I suspect it's just something my brain is not well equipped to handle.

I'm not allowed to have it anymore(job reasons), so I'm not super bothered to find out.


zer1223 t1_j37juiz wrote

I swear edibles are rigged to only activate after you've eaten a second one