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pokeybill t1_j34fwhg wrote

He was released in 2019 because police weren't expecting to catch him and didn't have backup to deal with the fallout.

This time it's the military and a larger operation - if they are smart he is far from Sinaloa at this point.


SsurebreC t1_j34wi9r wrote

From the article:

> > The defense secretary, Luís Cresencio Sandoval, told reporters that Guzmán had been transferred to the Mexican capital after his capture by members of the army and national guard.


waiv t1_j37u5t1 wrote

That turned out to be a lie, they had an operation to arrest him back in 2019, they just botched it badly because they used his new "National Guard" to do it and they were inexperienced in these kind of operations. Now they used the Marines and they extracted him quickly, but the government failed to defend the city.