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Icewear_Daddy t1_j34cpqf wrote

What are the odds that they'll release him back to the cartel again?

"Ovidio was briefly detained in the northern state of Sinaloa in October 2019 by security forces, but then quickly released because of violent retribution from his cartel"


pokeybill t1_j34fwhg wrote

He was released in 2019 because police weren't expecting to catch him and didn't have backup to deal with the fallout.

This time it's the military and a larger operation - if they are smart he is far from Sinaloa at this point.


SsurebreC t1_j34wi9r wrote

From the article:

> > The defense secretary, Luís Cresencio Sandoval, told reporters that Guzmán had been transferred to the Mexican capital after his capture by members of the army and national guard.


waiv t1_j37u5t1 wrote

That turned out to be a lie, they had an operation to arrest him back in 2019, they just botched it badly because they used his new "National Guard" to do it and they were inexperienced in these kind of operations. Now they used the Marines and they extracted him quickly, but the government failed to defend the city.


Nihlus_Kriyk t1_j34e9t0 wrote

If its Marines or special forces. No chance.


Spectre_06 t1_j35dfwr wrote

I remember the videos on LiveLeak of Mexican Marines pulling up on cartel members in their cars, dragging them out and slitting their throats, just to leave them in the middle of said street.

Mexican Marines don't fuck around.


Ariandrin t1_j35q2zn wrote

Because worse awaits them if the roles are reversed and the cartels get the jump.


Rambos_Beard t1_j37llp7 wrote

We trained with them in 96 and 97 when they were starting to change their doctrine to being more active against drug cartels and I can vouch for that. One had a polaroid of him holding two heads in his hands of cartel guys he said chopped off with a machete. That was beyond bizarre for 22 year old me to see.


Waste-Worth-1047 t1_j35r73u wrote

zero. it would be way too embarrassing and as mentioned the last time they got him it wasn't a raid and they didn't have the support to pull it off. they still have leverage as well. either call off the dogs and serve your time in mexico or you'll be in the cell block your father is at the supermax in the US painting your walls with your own poop.


VitaminxDee t1_j350yto wrote

They flew him out of the country as quickly as they could. It'll be hell in Mexico for awhile .


pyrmale t1_j34mo88 wrote

Donny Trump said he's going down to Mexico to take care of all the cartels.


BlackSabbathMatters t1_j34x9n4 wrote

He seriously proposed firing missiles from the US to take out drug labs in the Mexican jungle. He is a genuine idiot.


JBredditaccount t1_j353ieg wrote

He also thought if they just pretended they didn't know anything about the missiles, people would believe some other country shot American weaponry at the cartels.


oeuvre-and-out t1_j35zp2r wrote

Hey, that ruse might work. After all, it's only illegal drug's not like it's a 1200km long international oil supply pipeline.


Sweatytubesock t1_j359b2x wrote

He is indeed, but his idiocy is the only thing genuine about him.


CoochieSnotSlurper t1_j35ra48 wrote

Genuine question- if mexicos gov signed off on it, why not?


angrymoppet t1_j367toh wrote

Firing missiles to resolve law enforcement issues is probably not the greatest precedent to set.


webdevguyneedshelp t1_j36qq7i wrote

Not defending trump but the cartel is bigger than a law enforcement issue. They practically have their own military.


Pabi_tx t1_j3757i2 wrote

Neither was invading Iraq but we did it anyway.


pamar456 t1_j39omfx wrote

It’s better off today than under saddam


pamar456 t1_j39oj9t wrote

Cartels are more like militias then little street gangs. Some have mil style uniforms and everything


MSD101 t1_j3ano1l wrote

We've been trying this for decades in the War on Drugs, and it just isn't an effective strategy. This isn't even an effective strategy fighting the Taliban for 20 years. Criminal organizations or insurgent groups will always have the manpower to continue their operations. A real solution to Cartels isn't a military one.

They only need land, poor people to take advantage of, a means of transportation, and demand. We have never been able to stem the flow of any of these things through force. Mexican cartels are powerful because the US demand for drugs is insane. Had we spent all this time and money doing research on drugs, having actual drug education programs (DARE is more akin to propaganda), and using when we know to legalize and decriminalize where we can, the cartels would be far less powerful.


rata_rasta t1_j377924 wrote

Doesn't solve shit and actually causes more issues... waste of money and resources. Check out Plan Colombia entry in Wiki and in general the war on drugs failure can give you an insight


Aazadan t1_j35un4r wrote

Because they didn't sign off. And they can't be asked to do so because the cartels would likely hear about it.


dream208 t1_j36o0nr wrote

Actually I wonder if Trump’s narcissism, hubris and recklessness backed by US military machine would be exactly the unlikely counter to something as vile and as ingrained as Mexican cartels.


Showerthawts t1_j374kwj wrote

Just explode drug labs all over the jungle, why not? That will solve the problem for sure and the environmental damage is inconsequential I guess. Not like he'd know, he skipped Vietnam and never saw what agent orange did.


TroutCreekOkanagan t1_j34n3xf wrote

The tallest president in many years. If you like tall presidents with red hats, this could be your favourite.


jert3 t1_j35ojl5 wrote

Hey, if Kushner could find peace in the Middle East, then ya.


MrHollandsOpium t1_j35u1u1 wrote

This is like the scene in Sicario.


SpaceTabs t1_j36ddq0 wrote

Mexico goes to the helos and mini guns straight away now. They can strafe the compounds because they are fairly large and open. This was also done just south of Sinaloa in Nayarit a few years ago when the government turned against another drug lord.

This seems to be Mexico's MO now. Take bribes from the cartel until they get too powerful, then raid them with the marines or air force using mini guns. They also pit the cartels against each other because the police aren't very effective.

In the future, these cartels will probably spend less time and money on open compounds because of this and explosive-dropping drones.


riptide81 t1_j36mrci wrote

Is it really the government doing the orchestrating or do they just turn on whoever got outbid?


SysDym t1_j366qvb wrote

Look forward to watching this on Netflix Narcos.


coolluck33 t1_j37n98o wrote

If u don't kill the roaches when they first appear, then you'll never be rid of them...


[deleted] t1_j365ths wrote

