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CliffRacer17 t1_j4tc8cf wrote

Millions of dollars of wealth created by artists, writers, sound designers, park employees and countless others... All going to one undeserving man. When do we start owning businesses together, as workers? Instead of all these out-of-touch shitheads?


mugen__870 t1_j4tt02s wrote

That’s what socialism would provide. The US seems to be very slowly learning that is the only logical way forward.

The workers do the work, not the bosses, let the people run the companies and vote on decisions.


dak4f2 t1_j4u5ihm wrote

What makes you think the US is learning anything?

Please give me your optimism and some hope! No seriously. What have we learnt? I feel a bit hopeless but don't want to.


Ikea_Man t1_j4vbc8z wrote

i think it's slowly changing as an older millennial in corporate management

people in 20s - 30s are really bucking the "everything for the company" mentality trend that older generations instilled in themselves. no more bragging about not taking sick time, no more loyalty to companies (aka jumping around for raises)

workers not putting up with things as much, noticing how shitty the system is, almost like people are waking up a little

honestly think the main thing that needs to change is that the 60+ crowd needs to die off and let the next gen move in. values are different and i think will lead to a better workforce


TheThirdJudgement t1_j5na9m2 wrote

To learn that you would need to be able to tell the difference between socialism, communism and soviets.

That battle is hard lost in the States.