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vr0202 t1_j3f1bco wrote

You get what you voted for. Sorry.


ruminaui t1_j3f4jlp wrote

That area is mostly populated by African Americans and they vote mostly democrats, which is why the state gov doesn't do anything about it.


After-District8811 t1_j3h1kbk wrote

Why doesn’t the local (overwhelmingly democrat) government do anything about it? It’s their responsibility and it’s their mismanagement which has led to the problem.


ruminaui t1_j3hqamq wrote

Because it isn't? If you bother to read the article the reason the have this issue is that the republican controlled state government and representatives keep shooting down efforts to repair the crumbling infrastructure. Even tough the money has been apportioned by the us congress, the money is there but Four Republicans from Mississippi’s congressional delegation, Representatives Michael Guest, Trent Kelly and Steven Palazzo and Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, keep voting against the bill, give no reason. Tough we all know the reason.


zer1223 t1_j3htwyy wrote

Seems like it ought to rise to a "department of justice" issue at this point. Investigate those fucks