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Jimmni t1_j4rq82y wrote

You're still acting like this 5% figure applies to all clergy. You do understand that it doesn't, right?

And you're still talking as if "clergy" = "Catholic." You realise it doesn't, right? It doesn't even mean "Christian."

What exactly do you think I'm arguing here? Did you even read my original comment?

Do you even understand that Catholicism is not synonymous with Christianity, and that Christianity is broken into many different denominations and sects?


Cindexxx t1_j4tcm1m wrote

Y'all are way too semantic for me. But I gotta say, the whole "it's a closed community" and "what does that change" is just dumb AF. It changes reporting. You see some rando steal from a little food truck operation when they're not looking and you might say something. It's shitty.

But you see your struggling to eat family "grab a little something to stay alive" and you're probably not saying shit. Assuming it's a family you love.

When the cops know the others are planting drugs, they don't say shit. "Back the blue" or "thin blue line" take your pick.

So when a church (any church, I don't give a fuck) has respected members being accused, if anyone knows anything they're afraid to be rejected if they speak up. So they don't. And now your witnesses are gone.

So it stands to reason, that IF there's an average of 5% of members being accused (seems high but I'm not checking, it's not important) then it's nearly impossible the actual number isn't more than that. Because they don't turn on each other. It's "us" vs "them". The more personal the "us" is the more you overlook.


Jimmni t1_j4tglyr wrote

I never claimed abuse wasn't rampant in the Catholic Church. I do not deny it's a closed community. I just think it's incredibly stupid and counterproductive to pretend like it's something rampant in all faiths, denominations and sects. Harping on and on about the Catholic Church isn't going to change that, just reinforce my point.


Bucket-O-wank t1_j4wnfkj wrote

Don’t argue with this nob, he doesn’t know of what he speaks.


He thinks I’ve got a hard on for Catholics