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ContractTrue6613 t1_j62ccz7 wrote

All these hillbillies out protesting drag story hour while they got this shit going on at home.


flaccidcolon t1_j62ioku wrote

Why do you think they make a bunch of noise about other people?


missC08 t1_j61tt0j wrote

I hope those pieces of shit rot in prison.


epidemicsaints t1_j61v05v wrote

No idea what "pouching" is, googling it along Nancy Thomas was no help. But considering they were swaddling this kid and restraining him face down to the floor with duct tape, it can't be good.


Paul_C t1_j628rhv wrote

> No idea what "pouching" is, googling it along Nancy Thomas was no help.

Nancy Thomas is a self-described "Professional Therapeutic Parent." An article on her website tagged "pouching" mentions keeping an infant "in a kangaroo type pouch for the first 9 months of his life."

I'm intentionally not linking to it because fuck driving traffic to these psychos.


PEVEI t1_j620pq1 wrote

Your second sentence is the answer to your first sentence.


Whoreson-senior t1_j61wofm wrote

Mayberry's went to shit.


felldestroyed t1_j637azd wrote

I follow the news in the area. I bet the per capita murder rates of the last two years in Surry and stokes co will be comparable with some of our worse cities. It's unfortunate that there are no real time figures and we have to wait for the incomplete fbi data to catch up.


Pure-Kaleidoscope759 t1_j633lrn wrote

These people probably thought he was literally “possessed by the devil,” when he was actually probably afraid and frightened as well as disturbed by his placement. He deserved better, and I hope they prosecute the parents to the fullest extent of the law.


bassacre t1_j62uqur wrote

Life sentence for both of them.


[deleted] t1_j61xmjd wrote



bassacre t1_j62utv3 wrote

Its speedy trial, not hasty execution.


RudeMutant t1_j638j70 wrote

As tyrant, I believe that executions should be few, far-between, and memorable. I'm sticking with hasty once someone in this situation has been cleared of being framed. The suspected murder of a 4 year old child by means of "exorcism", and other forms of torture, should be punished with something memorable and in close chronological distance to the crime so it's fresh in the minds of the people. Not fresh so that people are afraid, but fresh so that they don't think justice is slow and toothless


jippyzippylippy t1_j6j64zk wrote

Sick, twisted fucks that did this need to be given the same treatment and see how they like it. This stuff pisses me off to no end.

Religion is POISON!!!