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PPQue6 t1_j5d7gqo wrote

Guys.....Brazil has their shit together. Are we a 3rd world country now?


Commercial_Yak7468 t1_j5jf1ht wrote

We have been a third world nation with designer clothes. We have no universal Healthcare,lack of health rights like abortion, bad infrastructure, poor worker rights, no maternity or paternity leave, high level of governemnt corruption, and what social nets we do have are constantly under attack.

We are a country that did not get bombed to shit during the two world wars and used that to build a large military and global economy around us. We have been riding that high ever since doing nothing else.


Anonuser123abc t1_j5fl21a wrote

I'm pretty sure the United States is still aligned with NATO which makes it a first world country.


joe579003 t1_j5mojxy wrote

🎶The pedant store called, and they're running out of you, you're a pedaaant, peeedaaaant🎶


Anonuser123abc t1_j5mrqvj wrote

I just like definitions. I know, meaning changes. But if the US isn't a first world country then pretty much nowhere is. The cold war was Russia vs the US.