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PenguinHero007 t1_j3ki6lc wrote

It might not be popular to remind people, but the US Navy shot down an Iranian passenger jet in 1988, killing 290 people.

Obviously both are terrible things to have happened, but its not like Iran is alone in making this kind of mistake.


Utsutsumujuru t1_j3llzqn wrote

You know why it “might not be popular to remind people” of that? Because they recognize it for the whataboutism that it is. That travesty was recognized and addressed back in the late 80s and early 90s. It was discussed and grieved then and it is remembered still. But your posting of it here and right now, in response to this article, is a (not so) subtle attempt to distract and deflect blame for this tragedy caused by this Iranian regime that is murdering, torturing, and raping their way through peaceful protesters literally remembering this flight. Instead of atoning for it, this Iranian regime is killing and torturing people for peacefully holding vigils about it in Iran.

Stay on topic, stop trying to deflect attention


K3vin_Norton t1_j3q1nvx wrote

If there's one thing we're very strict about here on reddit, it's staying on topic.


PenguinHero007 t1_j3obbj0 wrote


Its directly related! The title of this thread starts with "Protesters rally across America...".

I was trying to be subtle and diplomatic in my initial comment, but I'll be more blunt now.

Its blatant hypocrisy for Americans to be critical of Iran for what they did when the US did exactly the same thing, in similar circumstances, and also with a significant level of denial and attempted justification. Where are the protests in America for the anniversary of the shooting down of Flight 655? Do Americans not want to hold their own government to account for killing hundreds of people like they do for Iran?

Of course Americans are allowed a double standard, its the heart of American values... /s

Your own comment is Whataboutism in the highest degree, as you brought the atrocities that the current Iranian regime are inflicting on their people into this discussion - when the thread has nothing to do with that. But I'm guessing that the hypocrisy that you show for this too will also be lost on you, and right now you are getting angry at me, when you should be looking in the mirror for the cause of that anger.

If the protesters were raising the current issues of the horrible things that the Iranian government are doing to its own people then I'd be 100% behind it, and would not have included my comment, but that's not what the protests are about.


Hattix t1_j3kzqgo wrote

Like another commenter said, just changing the culprit a little,

"If anyone recalls, America at first just tried outright denying it, true to the regimes nature. After unmistakable radar and radio evidence surfaced afterwards, they caved in and said yeah that sucks man, oh well. Which was a surprise, as they'll typically just vehemently deny what's right in front of them."


OrdenDrakona t1_j3l5z6n wrote

Lots of airliners have been sot down by various countries....Iran, the US, the USSR, Russia/Ukrainian separatist and even Ukraine. Probably all were "accidents", some more careless than others.


Dave5876 t1_j3kzaxr wrote

Prepare to be accused of whataboutism.


Utsutsumujuru t1_j3llh3c wrote

Because it is whataboutism


Dave5876 t1_j3mihzx wrote

More like How-aboutism


Utsutsumujuru t1_j3n016x wrote

Regardless, it is still an attempt to distract people and deflect from the horrendous atrocities that the current Iranian regime is committing against its own people and other who are peacefully protesting for regime change.


Dave5876 t1_j3nq08t wrote

Perhaps both those things are wrong and should be rectified. Why only focus on what the media tells you to be outraged about in the current news cycle?

Why not draw parallels from the current tragedy to the past tragedy? Why continue a cycle of violence?

Anecdotally, it seems "whataboutism" is only applied in cases where a Western party is involved in some wrongdoing. Iran's regime is clearly in the wrong here, but are you really going to tell me the US regime isn't currently involved in some horrendous atrocity?
