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iloqin t1_j3klws8 wrote

There is a difference between smoking and drinking though. America went through prohibition and that failed miserably. Finally the message about smoking got through for the most part. Also I’m kind of a health nut, the health industry is booming and more x-fit and big box gyms and personal trainers exist, but the world is getting fatter still. The addiction to sugar is real, just ask all your coworkers if they’re willing to only eat meat and veggies. I’d figure 98% of health problems go away, less diabetes/heart/ back and arthritis easily. Easy to say, hard to do. I know I’ve done it for half a year, all health markers improved and fat was lost. HDL up and triglycerides down.


come-on-now-please t1_j3kn20i wrote

Prohibition wasn't voluntary though. I think there's gonna be a sobriety wave soon(like in 10 years or something), dry January is a thing, and people are starting to take breaks from drinking. Although it might be from more of a "I don't need the excess calories" rather than a "alcohol is bad for you", ibknow personally when I'm out of shape my desire to drink goes down massively, and if I do it ends up being something harder like rum or whiskey(of which I'll probably dump half of it anyway).

I dont necessarily think suger is the issue in and of itself, I think it's just absolutely everything about modern life subconsciously forces you to eat to healthily if you're not specifically looking out at all times