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baxterstate t1_j5f6mnp wrote

These stories are frustrating because there's so much more to this story. And we'll probably never know all the details.

It didn't involve firearms, so the media will forget about this very soon.


comewhatmay_hem t1_j5f7l7i wrote

There is a good chance this boy grew up in a cesspool of drug addiction, alcoholism and sexual abuse. That all of these things happened under his roof on a regular, if not daily, basis. That he not only had these things happen to him, but he had to witness it happen to his siblings as well.

It's not a bold assumption to make when you grew up in Sask and are familiar with Northern communities and the people who live there.


DisciplineBitter8861 t1_j5g3l67 wrote

Theres also a trend of sons killing their mothers which we might want to look into


CaptainCAAAVEMAAAAAN t1_j5j7mn2 wrote

> There is a good chance this boy grew up in a cesspool of drug addiction, alcoholism and sexual abuse.

Is that common in Saskatchewan?


comewhatmay_hem t1_j5jny9m wrote

In Northern Saskatchewan, yes. Very much so.

Even in the rest of the province, it's pretty bad. Saskatchewan has the highest rates of domestic violence, child abuse and intravenous drug use in the entire country. There is an extremely unfortunate overlap with the fact the province also has the highest Native population in the country. You can draw your own conclusions from that.


CaptainCAAAVEMAAAAAN t1_j5m8bdv wrote

> There is an extremely unfortunate overlap with the fact the province also has the highest Native population in the country. You can draw your own conclusions from that.

Poverty and institutional racism stretching back generations?


comewhatmay_hem t1_j5mn6uo wrote

Ding ding ding!

You are absolutely correct and when people talk about how genocide is still ongoing stuff like this is what they mean.


osuisok t1_j5jckji wrote

Sounds like it. Google says that Saskatchewan has the highest crime rate in Canada, if that means anything in context.


[deleted] t1_j5hzc3o wrote



420ipblood t1_j5j7hsn wrote

We can draw a lot of inferences from alot of shit. This isn't inference corner.


[deleted] t1_j5eyfgx wrote



ScreamingMemales t1_j5ez55a wrote

This stuff happened before. Now we have the news that picks up any negative event no matter how small.


Thegarbagegamer97 t1_j5ezq7f wrote

Guess i do tend to forget, when the big cash cow stories dry up, the media fights for whatever tidbits of shock factor they can, still, feels likes the past few years somethings been changing. Either we are getting more careless with our firearm safety, or we are getting worse at dealing with issues people have… hell maybe its both.


Murky_Conflict3737 t1_j5fc62u wrote

A podcast I listen to, Small Town Murder, featured a premium episode where they read crime articles from pre-1920s newspapers. One was from the 1890s and was about how a ten-year-old boy shot and killed his father after the man had whipped him.

Wikipedia also has links to a stories about pre-20th century school shootings. In one case, a kid’s older brother came to the schoolhouse and killed the teacher for hitting his younger sibling the day before (whenever I hear anyone talking about the good ol days of spanking kids into good behavior, I think of these two cases lol).


Thegarbagegamer97 t1_j5fe2vw wrote

Not a proponent of spanking or anything of the sort, just telling an experience here. Came from a household with two parents, who both had conflicting views on discipline. My father came from a family where spanking/beating with a belt was the gold standard. No time outs, no warnings, nothing. My mother from a family where spanking/switch was for an absolute last resort, where you did something so bad that time outs or grounding wouldn’t cut it. Now in current times, my father is a man with much more… aggressive.. views on how one should respond to things such as crimes, and is also quite emotionally stunted. My mother is a measured, reasonable, compassionate person. Spanking isn’t something id ever say is “good”, but a lot of the times where you hear about kids having marks or injuries from it, thats from a parent that violates two rules. Never make it the first choice, and never discipline when you’re angry. (Side note, the few times we ever were spanked, my mother made sure she did it. Father worked in a trade and he had the strength to prove it)


cgg419 t1_j5h45nc wrote

Love that podcast, and Crime in Sports.

Is the premium worth it, in your opinion?


Murky_Conflict3737 t1_j5hk3jt wrote

It depends. Sometimes they have good premium episodes where they delve into more well known cases. Those are interesting (I really want to hear them discuss the Murdaugh case). But some of the CIS ones aren’t as interesting. That’s probably more me as I don’t really follow sports.


cgg419 t1_j5hreka wrote

I do follow sports, but I like Small Town Murder better too. I love CIS when I know who it is.


CharleyNobody t1_j5ftki1 wrote

I went to high school with Dawn DeFeo whose brother Butch killed her and the rest of her family while they slept. It was so unusual at the time that it made national headlines and stayed front page news in our local newspapers for months. That was even before the skanky George & Kathy Lutz moved in to moneygrub off a family tragedy. They wrote the ghoulishly moronic book Amityville Horror, full of green ooze, red pig eyes and other nonsense. Morons ate it up and it launched a Hollywood franchise.

Nowadays family murders happen so often they’re just a blurb on the side of a page. “Teen kills mom, dad, sibs” is all you get. “Dad mows down family,” “Despondent parent drives family off cliff into ocean.”

In 1970s such murders were so rare it was believed something supernatural must have occurred.

Anyway, Dawn was a nice kid. She didn’t deserve for her death to become mass entertainment for stupid twats.

PS - my husband later had a client who lived in the house years after the murders took place. Nothing unusual ever happened in the house and it was a really lovely place.


recess_chemist t1_j5fobtb wrote

I've worked with/support people reentering the work force after long stints in prison. I can assure you that there has never been a shortage of these types of events. Just more connected and more news coverage these days.


OnlyHuman1073 t1_j5foagz wrote

I am sure this stuff always happened, I would like to read a study on it and social media’s influence of isolation and access to killing tools.


Spook-109 t1_j5h8ela wrote

This never would have happened without easy access to assault weapons.


TabularBeastv2 t1_j5ni3dl wrote

What do “assault weapons” have to do with this? The mom was hit in the head and then strangled.


[deleted] t1_j5f6e2v wrote



ux3l t1_j5f85qj wrote

I don't see how a longer prison sentence would make a difference in this case


NuclearEspresso t1_j5f9nsm wrote

If we “trust” in the prison system to rehabilitate a clearly mentally maladjusted youth before they become an active adult, maybe we can bring some humanity back. Frankly I dont think that works.


TheMostSamtastic t1_j5fr9qx wrote

How does a longer prison sentence do anything for the victim?


skelectrician t1_j5jx7nw wrote

How does a shorter sentence do anything for the public?


TheMostSamtastic t1_j5k9yk4 wrote

The sentence was likely decided based on the circumstances of the case at hand. We don't know anything about the background of the child, or of the events directly preceding the crime. Them being that, a 14 year old child, also likely played into determining the length of the sentence. It should also be noted that while the sentence was 7 years, the ruling stipulated that this sentence could be extended indefinitely based on the perpetrator's behavior.


Bob_Juan_Santos t1_j5gu3a9 wrote

the victim is dead, not much to do for the victim in the first place.


[deleted] t1_j5fcoam wrote



TheMostSamtastic t1_j5fr45m wrote

Some of us just don't think punishment results in any material improvement in the world, which is what matters. A sense of vengeance doesn't do anything besides reinforce the "me hate, me hurt" mentality that is at the core of these very crimes. I can't speak for everyone, but personally I don't believe in rehabilitative justice merely for sympathy's sake. I want results from my tax dollars.


NoStatic78 t1_j5fuwaq wrote

Is it necessarily a desire for vengeance? Or is it sometimes, at least in some cases, simply a desire to see a clearly dangerous, broken individual removed from society for as long as possible, for the safety of everyone they come across?

Note that I'm not saying that the question necessarily applies to this particular case. There's absolutely nothing in this article on which to form an opinion about whether this kid is likely to hurt others again in the future.


TheMostSamtastic t1_j5glr88 wrote

Let me be clear; I am not against incarceration. I believe in rehabilitative justice, but as long as a person proves a danger to the public then they should remain safely locked away. The only thing I took issue with was the notion that the meting out of justice should be done via harming those who have harmed.


Keylime29 t1_j5na2wx wrote

Have you been the victim of a crime?

I ask because I wonder if you hold the same views if you had been molested or raped?

We aren’t talking about people who steal cars or shoplift.

These are people who deliberately hurt others, even kill.

If their victims survive, they will suffer the rest of their lives?

Why is the focus on the well-being of people who hurt people, sometimes deriving great pleasure while they do.

Why is their life more important than their victims and the rest of society?

Why is it okay to risk the safety of innocent people? These criminals chose to hurt others, they shouldn’t deserve more consideration than their victims and potential victims by giving them chances to do it again, ever.

Do you think they shouldn’t be punished? Why do you think there shouldn’t be unpleasant consequences?


TheMostSamtastic t1_j609s9s wrote

Have I been raped, or has anyone attempted to murder me? Thankfully not, and I sympathize with anyone who has suffered through either of those horrendous things.

Have I ever been the victim of a crime? Yes, I've been mugged and carjacked at gun point.

As for why I believe what I believe, it is because inflicting harm on someone purely for the sake of harm doesn't benefit anyone. There is not a regain by society from that. The crime is not undone, and we are not guaranteeing in anyway that it will not be repeated. Even if we execute people, the human genome can create a serpent from saints. You will never "kill" this part of humanity, nor will you be able to keep it from sprouting up somewhere else should you contain it in one case. The only hope we have at all of finding meaningful change is discovering the combination of circumstances which allow people to transcend their own evils. Beyond that, we are just satisfying our own sense of blood lust, or vengeance, and furthering the philosophy of laying low that which you hate, even if it's pointless, or even counter productive.