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PMzyox t1_j53xngh wrote

I feel like this is a scapegoat answer. Someone high up made a bad decision that led to a critical outage, methinks


Professional-Can1385 t1_j544b39 wrote

I'm a contractor in a completely different part of the government. If something goes wrong, they blame a contractor, any contractor it doesn't matter. I've sat in meetings where people blamed things on "a contractor from XYZ." Never a name, just "a contractor." Makes a person not care if their work shuts down all of US airspace or not.


PMzyox t1_j545782 wrote

Yep that matches up with my experience too


Gigglemind OP t1_j53yrc6 wrote

Not a software engineer but has that ring to it. They said something in the article along making the system more resilient, aka how the fuck could this happen?


TooMad t1_j54odcp wrote

We added a resiliency power point slide.